View Full Version : Week 3 Questions.

07-17-2014, 02:02 PM
So I've run into a few concerns I'd like some advice on.

First off, is it possible for a lovebird to be getting too much sleep? I uncover mine at midnight when I leave for work, but it stays fairly shady all day, so she doesn't get a full dose of light till I get home at 1030am till 4-5pm. I dunno how active she is when I'm away, but she is always very quiet when I get home.

Second, there is a small chip on the outer layer on tip of her beak, should I be concerned at all? On that note, I know it's said that you can tell the age of the bird by the black on the beak, but that is at the base not the tip right? I ask cause the tips of both bottom and top have a touch of black on them.

Coconut water, I imagine it would be an ok thing to share with her, but always better to be safe and ask if anyone had/heard of any issues with it.

Lastly, I wish to cuddle with her 24/7 non-stop. Anyone know of magic I could cast so sleep is not required.

She seems a lot more prone to exploring now, but is still a bit bratty. 90% of the time fingers are targets for attacks, but she seems afraid of just about everything else there is. She won't touch the stone pedicure perch I got her so I had to get a sandpaper like cover for her normal one cause her nails are sharp as sin. Got a millet hanger thingy, but as much as she loves millet, she won't go near it. I did find she loves chewing on large bamboo picks, I figured this out when she wouldn't leave my glasses alone and decided to find something similar in wooden form.

Thanks in advance.

07-17-2014, 03:06 PM
As long as it's dark outside, she will sleep, even if you uncover her so she's sleeping until at least the sun comes up. Had you thought about adding full spectrum lighting near her cage and put it on a timer so there's more light where she's at?

With the exceptions of Ino and Cinnamon and Pied, Peachfaces had dark coloring on the tips of their beaks once they are mature. The beak is horn colored but the tips are darker. What you are seeing is most likely normal. My lovies have this, too.

It's always a good feeling to cuddle with them as much as possible but just make sure that you don't fall asleep with her on you. There have been tragedies where owners have rolled over on their beloved pets and suffocated them. Several members who used to be here a lot experienced this. Sleep is very necessary and she needs to be safe while you get your rest, too.