View Full Version : How does your lovebird sleep?

07-18-2014, 09:47 PM
So, I keep finding Fia hanging from the top corner of the cage, biting the bars on the front and hanging on to the side with her feet. Apparently she sleeps like this, or doesn't sleep at all, but I think she is sleeping.
Anyone else have lovebirds sleeping in odd positions? Maybe I should get her a mini-posturepedic?

07-18-2014, 10:06 PM
I had a budgie who slept like that when he was a baby but he perched when he got older. Buddy slept in a towel hung over the shower curtain rod with one foot on each side of the towel.
http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm293/bubblelady_2000/th_BuddyinBed_zps8374263e.jpg (http://s299.photobucket.com/user/bubblelady_2000/media/BuddyinBed_zps8374263e.jpg.html)

07-19-2014, 03:52 AM
My Nanahope spent most of one afternoon singing to himself hanging on the upper corner of the cage. Occasionally Nanamua came over to hang with him, but Nanahope would push him away. So weird.

The rest of the time they sit on a food cup or on a perch together. I'm fairly certain they cuddle together at night.

07-19-2014, 08:16 AM
Try putting a small perch where he hangs. Could be he just likes that spot! They need 12 hrs of sleep/rest.........

07-19-2014, 11:23 AM
My last lovie got his name because he slept like that. Almost upside down. We called him Drac short for Dracula.lol.

07-19-2014, 11:25 AM
My Boco hangs from the corner of the cage. He doesn't want a perch, he doesn't want a toy there to sleep on, he just hangs. I was really worried about him for a while. At first, he would sleep on a perch sometimes, or on a toy sometimes, wherever he was whenever we turned the light off. A few times we could hear him hit the cage floor in the middle of the night (he only has one wing), so I assume that if he's hanging from the side of the cage, he knows he won't lose his balance? I've tried a happy hut, and a lean-to, but he'll have none of it.

Bailey has had many sleeping arrangements since I've gotten her. At first she just slept on the perch, then she slept in her happy hut every night, then she decided the happy hut was evil and had to go, and since then she sleeps on her swing every night. She doesn't use her swing for any other purpose other than sleeping.

07-19-2014, 04:40 PM
Mine sleep in their bed (snuggle sack) :whistle:

I take it away in the mornings, to keep Saffron's hormones under control. In the evening they literally jump from happiness when they get to see their bed - they love it!

08-02-2014, 03:10 PM
Max sleeps on the same spot every night. It's a food cup that I purposely keep empty for him to sleep on. As soon as I cover the cage, no matter where he is, he'll make his way to his "bed" and sit on the perch of the cup with his butt towards the cup. So, of course, in the morning I find a pile of his poo in the cup. Wash it every day so that's it's clean because he won't sit near it if there's anything in it. He's a bit of a clean freak, like me...lol

Pips mom
08-02-2014, 06:44 PM
Pip sleeps in the same spot every night too. For a long time though, he would sleep outside his cage on one of those little platforms with a ladder going over it and I would just cover it up at night at bed time. Eventually he ended up going back to sleeping INside his cage where he probably should be! He'll go to a toy hanging near the front of cage and put one foot on the toy and one on the cage bars, and that's how he sleeps! He slept like that when I first got him too, with a different toy! funny how they are!

08-03-2014, 05:29 AM
Parrots tend to be creatures of habit and have certain sleeping places just as we humans do. I have coconut shell swings that I made some time ago and some of mine use those as beds. It's quite comical to see two lovies snuggled in a coconut shell that's really just a bit oversized for one! :lol

09-01-2014, 11:37 AM
Parrots tend to be creatures of habit and have certain sleeping places just as we humans do. I have coconut shell swings that I made some time ago and some of mine use those as beds. It's quite comical to see two lovies snuggled in a coconut shell that's really just a bit oversized for one! :lol

Mine do that too - sooo funny!! Thats why I got them a snuggle sack, because it's just more spacious :rofl::rofl:

09-09-2014, 04:13 AM
I absolutely agree with Linda that birds are creatures of habits.

Elmo will have a midday night on her swing - always. And at night she will sleep in her happy hutch always. She lays down as well.. it's very cute to see.

09-09-2014, 08:37 AM
Oh my goodness, momo! Haven't seen you in a while! Glad to see you stop by! :)

09-10-2014, 05:23 AM
Hi Linda :)

Still around.. :whistle: forgot my log on for a while.. hahaha.