View Full Version : Kijiji ruins my life

07-24-2014, 09:51 AM
I figured there was no better place to put this sad rant. Occasionally, although I'm not looking for a new bird, I browse the bird ads on kijiji (a classifieds site in Canada). I always see a bunch of cuties from what seems to be a bunch of great people and I always say silent prayers that these babies get good homes, and I move on with my day.

Last night, however, I found a cockatiel (I want my next bird to be a cockatiel). There was something about this bird, maybe you guys can relate. He's a male, I'll link a picture of him at the bottom. I just felt like, strongly about this bird, as silly as that sounds. I'm really not in a position to adopt another bird right now as much as I would love to. I have the time, certainly, and all-in-all he's only 80 dollars including the cage, but owning a bird isn't a "cheap" responsibility and I don't feel like it is the right time for me to adopt another bird right now... But ah.. This has never happened to me while browsing the bird ads. I find them all cute of course, but to have one stick out to me like that. It's like my gut is telling me that that bird is supposed to be mine or something..

Gonna have to stay off kijiji and out of pet stores for a while :(

Here's my handsome little spirit-bird: http://i.imgur.com/nBWswhz.jpg

07-24-2014, 10:20 AM
What a sweet looking Tiel! I'm with you on staying out of pet shops and off sites that sell parrots! I'd love to take every one that seriously needs a good home but my time only goes so far and each deserves the best life an owner can offer.

I have several Tiels and they are wonderful birds. Hens are so sweet (and quiet). Downside is the feather dander. They are one of the worst, just below Cockatoos.

07-24-2014, 10:32 AM
I'll have a cockatiel someday, I know that. I don't know why my heart aches so bad for this specific one. It is so hard to have the time and the willingness to open my heart to as many birds that will fit, but to lack the money and the space that I know they deserve. I'll hug my lovies extra tight today and be grateful that I can share my life with them.

Someday I'll be able to adopt another bird, but in the meantime it is not as if I am lacking in birdie-love. I woke both birds up last night to give them a giant kiss through the cage bars.

I truly am blessed :)

07-24-2014, 11:34 AM
I hear what you are saying and the fact that so many animals, including parrots, don't have forever loving homes is why I'm no longer breeding. I'd rather share my experiences with others than produce more precious babies only to have them end up in a system such as the one that exists right now. It's all about money rather than loving homes for our fids. My heart aches, as well, as I'm at capacity for the number for which I can properly maintain and care for and mine are the most important thing to me. Wish I could take more but that's just out of the question. :(

07-24-2014, 11:59 AM
There is only so much one person can reasonably manage. Even someone with the best intentions should avoid adopting if they cannot provide what that bird needs, and not just for a short time, but for the bird's entire life. Many birds lead long healthy lives, very long, some comparable to humans! I think you're doing more than your share. Coddle your babies extra today, you deserve it :)

07-24-2014, 12:09 PM
My birds have been my salvation since my beloved husband passed away in May. When he was so sick, I didn't have time for the usual attention they have always gotten but somehow they understood what was going on. Circumstances change and the thought of rehoming them never crossed by mind. They are my family and I'm as devoted to them as they are to me. My birds don't mind listening to what I tell them and they always have time to listen, bless their feathered bodies!

I remember telling Jim, when I first met him, that I come with a feathered family. Take me, they are part of the package. I made a commitment and I stand by it. Kudos to you for caring so much about your lovies!

07-24-2014, 12:17 PM
I often find myself looking at petfinder and such for birds. Even though my husband has made it clear he does not want anymore birds in the house. We are bird lovers and we can not help looking.

07-24-2014, 12:29 PM
Awww... hugs to you, the tiel looks like such a sweet fellow. I know what you mean about "feelings". When we started looking for a new pair, I was considering a different PF/pied combo but we weren't prepared to take them home and it was so soon that I said "tomorrow" and when I went back, they were already sold.

Then I was deciding between a pair of whitefaces and the pair I have now. I've never had the whiteface coloring type of birdies and they are sooo pretty, but I didn't get that "I must take them home/they belong to me" feeling. I felt more comfy with the pied and peach face.

I do want a cockatiel eventually, but I NEED lovebirds, y'know? Our current place is too small for multiple birds... my husband would go nuts. I'm almost feel like I'm kind of pushing it with 2. lol

Someday you'll bring home a forever tiel. *hugs*

08-01-2014, 08:57 AM
Well, I emailed the woman who had the bird and we talked briefly. She mentioned that he was on an all-seed diet (wild bird seed - from the dollar store) and that she received him as a gift in March, but that she's just not really a bird person and recently she hasn't even been home so she didn't feel it was right to keep him.

So right now he's in quarantine, and his name is Pekoe. He loooves to come out of the cage, and lets you know when he wants out. He was full of dust when I brought him home, and I thought we could just try the shower. I didn't expect him to be okay with the shower at all, but to my surprise he loves the shower too. He steps up perfectly fine, but only if I open the cage door and allow him to venture to the top of his cage by himself. I can't make him step up from inside the cage.

My "birdie-tubes" are tied, now though haha. I'm not allowed to browse kijiji anymore.

08-01-2014, 11:56 AM
Congrats, congrats!! Soo happy for you and your tiel! Does Pekoe mean anything special? It almost sounds Hawaiian. lol

08-01-2014, 12:43 PM
What can I say?????? Sometimes there's room for just one more. :whistle: I'll admit, I'm guilty in this department, too! Congrats!

08-01-2014, 01:48 PM
Thank you both! My boyfriend and I share an apartment so this was a decision we definitely slept on. We both agreed that sometimes your "gut-feeling" knows better than you do. We actually settled on Pekoe before we even picked him up. I said, "He looks like a Pekoe," and that was the name we went with :)

He seems.. confused? or almost surprised that people are around. His previous owner said that she spent almost no time at home. He dances at the bottom when he wants out, which is usually as soon as he wakes up. We leave his door open and he usually makes his way back into the cage and remains there for most of the day. His wings are clipped so he's had a few "crash landings." Bailey has been fully-flighted since I got her, and she zips around the apartment like my little jet. She's very precise when she flies, haha. She'll even hover sometimes. Pekoe, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to get back to his cage on his own if he's sitting with me.

Thanks again, guys. It has already been an adventure. Pekoe's personality is none like I've seen in a lovebird. :) So glad I'm able to share my home and heart with the three of them

08-01-2014, 02:13 PM
Well, there's another stolen heart here! Sometimes you just know when it's the right thing to do. Not to have taken him would have always left you either wondering or regretting the decision. When Harley came to live with me, I had just lost Miracle and wasn't really open to adding another parrot to the flock. However, Harley was more than persistent and he finally won the battle of wills. I must say, though, it took him 2 days to accomplish the feat. I've never regretted the final decision.

09-05-2014, 08:54 PM
Sometimes you "just know". I sifted through Craigslist and pet stores for a few years, able to say no to all the birds I saw, until I found Mosaic. I don't know what it was about her (I'm convinced she's a she...dunno why) but I knew when I saw her she was coming home with me.

Apparently is was meant to be as we found out my husband is moving back to the mainland (Army PCS) and my job is keeping me here in Hawaii. Due to the housing situation, I have not been able to find any pet-friendly accommodations I can afford so Gem and Mo have become great buddies and will keep each other company when they travel to NC with my hubby and cat in November.

Everything happens for a reason... sometimes we just can't see or understand the reason at the time...;)

09-06-2014, 11:44 AM
I've had Pekoe for a month now, and it truly has been a completely different experience. We don't regret getting him at all. I just want to be able to provide everything the birds need, and while I wish I could buy all their necessities with love, unfortunately that's not possible. There is no shortage of love here, though, and all the birds are healthy and happy :) Good luck with your move in November! :)