View Full Version : Very Active Lovie

07-25-2014, 01:07 PM
For the past 2 weeks or so Lacey has really been pretty active... to the point of being naughty (in my book, lol) All but one of her flight feathers have grown back so she has been doing laps between the kitchen and living room. At first it was no big deal to me but now she has been flying to close the the back door and freaking me out. I know i need to clip her and plan to do it when hubby can help me with her this weekend. I am wondering if clipping just the first 2 or 3 on each wing will slow her down at all. I usually clip 5 and the first week after i do that she still thinks she can fly and tries so hard to fly. Having full flight has given her an attitude but i know she gets more exercise too. I just basically want to slow her down a bit :) .

07-25-2014, 07:00 PM
Try clipping 3 flight feathers for starters and see how well she flies. It's easier to go back and clip another one than to clip more and regret it. I can appreciate what you are saying when you get nervous when she gets too close to the back door! All my exit doors lead to a screened in area but if the door to the screened in area is open to the outside, it's all over should a bird fly out an open door!

07-25-2014, 10:52 PM
For the past 2 weeks or so Lacey has really been pretty active... to the point of being naughty (in my book, lol) All but one of her flight feathers have grown back so she has been doing laps between the kitchen and living room. At first it was no big deal to me but now she has been flying to close the the back door and freaking me out. I know i need to clip her and plan to do it when hubby can help me with her this weekend. I am wondering if clipping just the first 2 or 3 on each wing will slow her down at all. I usually clip 5 and the first week after i do that she still thinks she can fly and tries so hard to fly. Having full flight has given her an attitude but i know she gets more exercise too. I just basically want to slow her down a bit :) .

I remember when Sunny went through that.... I don't remember when we finally started allowing him to be fully flighted. Somewhere around year 3, probably. I think that's when he finally would stop flying crazily around and would go back in his cage if we tried bringing him back to his cage. The clippings definitely made for a more well behaved lovie in the first few years!

07-26-2014, 07:07 AM
thanks for the replies....my doors dont have screens so its out to the wide open outdoors. she follows me every where and if im taking the dog out she thinks she has to go to lol. she doesnt make me play chase the bird to get her back in her cage so im grateful for that :)