View Full Version : Getting closer!

07-30-2014, 01:36 AM
So I'm thankful that Nanamua is familiar with hands and such an adventurer... we're making progress! They still spook if I move my hands too fast, but they're both starting to step up. I get Nanamua up with one hand and then as long as I don't move away or move quickly, I can usually get Nanahope up on the other. I let them out and to play on the bed before I handle them, so although they still don't "like" me, I'm tolerated nearby.

I think I pushed their patience today as my four year old was dying to hold them so after I got them to step up, I brought them over and put Nanamua on his arm while keeping Nanahope close. He really misses Sunny and he's so eager to play with them that it's hard to watch him get disappointed when they run away. After they just sat on his arm for a bit (I'm holding his arm up so he wouldn't get tired and drop it or move too suddenly) we walked slowly back toward the cage.

Nanahope took a flying leap as we got close and Nanahope waited till my son was at the entrance. Nanahope landed on the outside of the cage and couldn't figure out how to get back in, so I had to assist.

It's definitely interesting to have two!

07-31-2014, 01:50 PM
Monkey see, monkey do! :) You have quite a pair there and one gives the other confidence. They are learning to trust humans from each other's experience and that's a wonderful thing.

Oh yes. Two parrots together can be a LOT of fun, and I mean that seriously! :happy: