View Full Version : My First Month w/ Fia.

08-02-2014, 04:01 PM
So, it's been a few days shy of a month now and having my little Fia has been wonderful. She is more exploratory than she was. Initially when she was on my shoulder she would hide up against my neck and almost be afraid to move. Now, she hangs out on the edges of my shoulders, hangs down around the front collar of my shirt and climbs up and down into my lap and I can't keep her away from my keyboard. She either hates or loves my keyboard, I'm not sure which. She loves to preen and snuggle into my goatee and I've found she has a preference for safflower seeds.

She is still very wary of my hands, though she is getting use to them. First couple of weeks I would have to kneel down so my shoulder would be near the cage so she could climb on, now she'll take the finger lift.. sometimes after a bit of trepidation on her part. I can gently scoop her up from my keyboard when I need to and she doesn't bite it and at times I can get a light scratch in with my finger but, then she remembers she doesn't like hands gives me her "No" peep and runs away. She much prefers my goatee snuggles and doesn't fuss or mind a kiss. If I am home, she spends that time with me outside her cage, which means 5-6 hours on my weekdays and often 12+ on my weekends.

She likes to sift through her seeds, avoiding some of the good stuff for her, I think I might have to institute a pure pellet and veggie day.. or maybe grind the pellets into powder and cover her seeds in them so she can't help but ingest those wonderful vitamins and minerals.

A few times I've been scared by her trying to fly off and sideswiping or running into something. One time she tried to fly to the top of my monitor and collided with it, her one wing was kinda sticking out and not folding back in and I was very worried, but she stretched a few times and was back to normal, I guess she just kinda stunned herself. Another time I dropped something in the kitchen and she got scared and tried to fly off and almost fell behind the stove, that was terrifying to watch her trying and flap, just keeping from being swallowed up by her wings and looking at me chirping the whole time. Hindsight, I could easily just move the stove and get her, but you don't think like that in the moment. not to mention even I don't know what could be back there.

I've bought a timed full spectrum light so she can at least get more day light in her day, but I still find her hiding in the dark corner of her cage from the light when I get home. She's getting at least 10-12 hours of sleep, depending on how awake she is in the morning when I'm at work. I do worry about her exercise cause she doesn't seem all that playful so far. I got her a few toys to see if she would play with any of them, so far not much luck, I should just buy her a wooden keyboard. she'd love that. I also go a handheld steamer to clean her cage without any soaps or chemicals. I'm thinking about a new cage for her, maybe a tad bit bigger, but I'm not sure if I should at least just yet while she it still in a new place.

All said, she seems pretty happy most of the time, except when I don't let her eat my keyboard. The last month has been great. Her constant company has pulled me out of a really bad low and I hope it just gets better with time.