View Full Version : Incessant Bathing

08-14-2014, 06:21 PM
I have two peach-faced lovebirds, Gully and Fern, and recently Gully has started bathing five times a day. His water dish is big enough to bath in, so he bathes in that. Every time he bathes in the water, I change it. (I don't know about lovebirds, but I wouldn't want to drink someone else's bathwater.) I tried putting a small bowl in the cage for him to bath in, and he filled it with some shredded paper from one of the toys, and I think he purposefully pooped in it, but I'm not sure. (I know they never poop in their water or food dishes.) So, I took the bowl out. He's doesn't stop Fern from bathing, which he does every other day, but he's bathing five times a day. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? What's going on?

08-15-2014, 12:54 AM
Hot? Itchy? Molting? Maybe?

My lovies decided today that dunking their munchballs in their water dish was the best thing ever! I am hoping it doesn't become a habit.