View Full Version : 3rd Month Sharing.

08-26-2014, 02:41 PM
Hello fellow followers of the Lovebird empire!

It's been just under 3 months since I acquired the most wonderful gift of a lovebird and I wish to share an update with people who can understand my joy.

So we've been getting along quite nicely, she gets a good 4-5 hours out of the cage on workdays and 10-12 on days I'm off and may be a bit spoiled. I bought her a bigger cage (Picture in the link in my sig) two weeks ago, and she took to it with no problems or fussing, I've removed using paper at the bottom cause I don't like the ink in newspaper. I instead use plain gravel which I soak weekly in very salty water to disinfect after some hydrogen peroxide rinsing. To discourage her from chewing on paper that might have ink, I have spring roll rice paper that she loves to chew on and I can also fill full of seed. I can get her to eat the pellets in her mix by hand feeding, but other than that she eats around them.. something I'll have to work on.

She is still wary of hands grabbing her or being enclosed, but she is tolerant of a few times I've had to pick her up that way. She will step up most of the time, even when it's the horrible time of day that she is getting put back in the cage, and when she is in the mood for some snuggles she now lets me rub her neck and head with a finger and looks to absolutely love it.

I'm currently drying a coconut to see if she would like a little coconut hut, especially with winter around the corner. All in all it's been everything I could have hoped for. I think my next step is some Lovebird safe plants near her cage so she can climb on them and possibly snack on them.. if anyone has some good suggestions I'm all ears.
Thanks for reading!

08-26-2014, 02:53 PM
Thanks for sharing this nice update about your growing relationship with your lovebird! Sounds like she's training her human slave very well!!! :lol

Actually, the ink used in newsprint is soy based and is safe. Be careful with gravel, as you don't want small pieces that she can swallow. White paper toweling is good and I use it when I run out of newspaper.

Coconuts are a favorite with my lovies, especially if I can find shells that still have the hair not removed. Great fun!

08-26-2014, 07:24 PM
What a nice post :) Always love to hear about growing relationships with lovies :)

Sounds like you're head over heels for her already :happy: For me, it was love at first sight with Max :rotfl

The coconut will most likely be a hit. That's one of Max's favourite...I put treats in the bottom half that he loves. The top half he used to sit on more in the past but lately he'll go on it just to wipe food off his beak...lol.

It's nice to hear she's out of her cage a lot. I have Max out whenever I'm home but I have a heck of a time getting him back in if he's not hungry enough to go in. He's caught on to all the tricks I use to get him in so now I just have to wait until he's tired or hungry to go back in.

Btw...what's your lovies name?

08-27-2014, 03:42 AM
The gravel is mostly too big to chew on, it's also out of reach under a grate. And it looks pretty I think if I can find a way to hook up a small fountain, she'll get one of those too.

My sweetie bird's name is Fia. Although maybe I should have just called her sweetie, cause that's what I call her most of the time.

08-27-2014, 07:55 AM
My sweetie bird's name is Fia. Although maybe I should have just called her sweetie, cause that's what I call her most of the time.

So true about the nicknames. I call Max 'pump' short for pumpkin a lot...or "sprout" for my little green sprout...lol.

08-27-2014, 04:39 PM
So true about the nicknames. I call Max 'pump' short for pumpkin a lot...or "sprout" for my little green sprout...lol.

Ditto has a million nicknames: Squeaky beak, Mr. Squeaks, Yella' fella', flying poop monster, among others.

08-27-2014, 07:43 PM
flying poop monster.
