View Full Version : The Little Thing You Love.

09-16-2014, 05:47 PM
What are some of the little things you love about your lovie?

I love the feeling of little feet pitter-pattering across my shoulders. :)

09-16-2014, 08:07 PM
Where to start :confused:

So as to save space. :rotfl

With B.B., I love watching him anticipate receiving his favorite foods.

I love our little one on one talks. And the ensuing eye contact. :blush:

How he lets me know its morning by every now and then gently banging his dingy bell toy. (at 5am)

His playfulness. (He loves to play hide and seek. His favorite spots are in the closets, or anywhere's high up where you'd least expect him).

How he huddles up under my ear, cuddles next to my arm, or tucks his little feather butt into one of my shirt pockets.

And yes, those little feets.

STOP! ... :omg:

09-16-2014, 08:09 PM
Oh my! That's a loaded question! :) There are sooo many things!

I love when Max plays peekaboo with me on the fireplace mantel. He kisses me on one end of a picture frame, then I peek through the other side of the frame and he races under the frame to kiss me. I go back to the other side of the frame again and he races back to kiss me again. It goes on and on until I get tired or he gets bored...lol.

09-16-2014, 08:11 PM
Where to start :confused:

So as to save space. :rotfl

With B.B., I love watching him anticipate receiving his favorite foods.

I love our little one on one talks. And the ensuing eye contact. :blush:

How he lets me know its morning by every now and then gently banging his dingy bell toy. (at 5am)

His playfulness. (He loves to play hide and seek. His favorite spots are in the closets, or anywhere's high up where you'd least expect him).

How he huddles up under my ear, cuddles next to my arm, or tucks his little feather butt into one of my shirt pockets.

And yes, those little feets.

STOP! ... :omg:

Awwww...No one can understand how we feel about our lovies except lovie parents :)

09-17-2014, 03:12 AM
I love Mo's diva attitude, pretending she hates me only to fly over and sit on my shoulder when I'm not looking.

I love how Gem is so eager to play games, like bat bird and peek-a-boo. Bat bird has to be my favorite; if you hum the na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BATMAN theme and say batbird instead, Gem climbs to the top of his cage and hangs upside down by one foot.

I love getting groomed by little beaks, and the morning serenades (well, squaking) when the sun comes up, and the welcome homes after I've been gone for the day. Most of all, though, I enjoy the cuddle time, marvelling in the amount of love such a little creature can show. :hug:

09-17-2014, 07:31 AM
All of my birds have their cute little quirks :) I love when Bailey is so excited to see me that she does a flip on her perch. Or when she's feeling a little bashful and she hides her face behind her moon toy when I make cute noises at her. I also love when Boco cocks his head to look at me when he's hanging completely upside down.

Sometimes when I try to take Pekoe out, instead of stepping up he just kinda.. holds my finger for a moment. Love all my birdies :blush:

09-17-2014, 10:27 AM
I love how Fenway comes when I call him. :)

How they both LOVE the dog, and go to the floor in front of her crate when they're out to say hello to Gracie. (I don't let them stay long, just a minute or so)

How they yell at me at 7pm to let me know it's bedtime, if I've forgotten the time..:omg:

How they adore each other, and snuggle/preen one another.

How they play the "catch me if you can" game when I am trying to get them back into their cage. They step up, and as I am carrying the dowel to the cage they fly away the minute we get there and we start all over again.:whistle::whistle:

On and on I could go....

09-17-2014, 10:48 AM
Bailey ALSO talks with her beak full, every time I fill up her bowl. She immediately jumps down, digs in, lifts her head and goes "pretty bird!" which sounds a bit more like "pwey bir" when her mouth is full. I secretly love it but I always tell her "don't talk with your beak full"

09-17-2014, 10:49 AM
I've been in love with lovebirds every since I can remember! I love their attitudes, playfulness, activeness....just everything about them! I interact with some more than others but they all have one thing in common........the attitude of a Hyacinth Macaw in compact size!

09-17-2014, 10:53 AM
........the attitude of a Hyacinth Macaw in compact size!

Indeed... my dog has it, my birds have it. Napoleon Syndrome . :rofl::rofl:

09-17-2014, 05:09 PM
Love the replies! They make me smile.

09-17-2014, 05:34 PM
Although Murphy is strictly a HANDS OFF lovebird, I still love watching him run across the top of his cage, and I especially love how he always answers me when I speak to him. He tips his little head back, lifts his little red beak toward the ceiling, and chirps at me with great intensity. I miss my snuggly Buddy but still have to have a lovie in my life....

Pips mom
09-17-2014, 11:31 PM
I love how Pip flies around looking for me when I'm out of sight! I'll be in the bathroom, doing something, getting ready for work maybe, brushing my teeth and all of a sudden you hear the the sound of lovie wings flying and you have a bird on your head! Sometimes he scares the **** out of me!! I don't expect it! I can't sit at the computer without him on my arm! I love how smart he is, and well trained to go back into his cage! Of course, if I move the cages around, or something changes, he'll get confused for a few days! and sometimes he'll just give me a hard time because he doesn't want to go back! I love when he takes a bath! LOVE the tail shake! and his little sounds he makes. Love when he's all cuddly with Ivy! When he steals her toy! When he gets all protective of her and she's five times his size! Them lovies are just too much!

09-18-2014, 08:04 AM
I absolutely LOVE reading these posts!

Our lovies are all angels :)

09-18-2014, 08:51 AM
I love when he takes a bath! LOVE the tail shake!
A lovie tail shake is like no other parrot! If that doesn't make you smile, I can't think of anything that will! Bath time is something else. Mine sure get into the baths and clean water is for bathing first, drinking second! :lol

09-18-2014, 05:36 PM
Ditto flies around looking for me too if I go out of site. Even better, if he can't find me he'll go back to his cage and wait for me to re-appear. He won't be out in the house if I'm not visible.

Beak grinding while snuggling in my hand is great too.

Of course how could you not like a lovie who will fly back to the cage for a snack and bring it to the couch to eat it out of your hand. Except when he eats half of it and flies back and gets another, eats half of that and ... Come on Dittobird, my hand is only so big.:evil:

09-18-2014, 05:39 PM
A lovie tail shake is like no other parrot! If that doesn't make you smile, I can't think of anything that will! Bath time is something else. Mine sure get into the baths and clean water is for bathing first, drinking second! :lol

I can hear Ditto's tail shake from the next room, who knew tail feathers could make so much noise.

And fresh water will be bathed in before drinking when he's in the mood. In fact, if it hasn't been changed within the hour of his bathtime decision, sometimes he'll stand on the bowl looking like he wants a bath. Look at me, chirp, fluff up, and then climb up to a perch. Ok point taken, change water and .... splash!

Nope not spoiled at all. :whistle:

09-18-2014, 06:06 PM
I love that when I lift Fia up off her cage in the morning and give her a big smooch on the head she now makes that sound back to me at the right time.

09-18-2014, 07:00 PM
I love that when I lift Fia up off her cage in the morning and give her a big smooch on the head she now makes that sound back to me at the right time.

Ditto does that too. In fact if you put his beak to your nose he'll do it even if you don't. Even the vet gets kisses.

He also makes a swallowing sound when he's standing on my shoulder and I take a drink of water.:happy: