View Full Version : Just wondering...

09-22-2014, 09:34 AM
Hi everyone,

My lovie is going on a little holiday tomorrow due to work around the house and I was just wondering how you guys cope with them being away? And I don't want him to think I don't love him anymore by leaving him there for a week, will he actually think that? :(

Also another question Rocco has a happy hut but for some reason he likes to sleep on top of it instead of inside it, how do I get him to sleep inside it? Because I don't think the space up there is comfortable enough for him to sleep on

Leila :)

09-22-2014, 09:49 AM
Hi Leila,

You can't tell a lovie what to do...lol. If he wants to sleep on top of the happy hut, he will. I tried the happy hut with Max, tried to lure him in with his favourite treats but all he did was stretch enough from his perch to grab the treat and take off. He hated the happy hut. So, I got rid of it and he sleeps on the same spot since I first got him.

As for his little vacay for a week. I would be sure where he's going he gets the same amount of attention he gets at home. If it's close enough for you to drop by everyday and spend time with him then I think that would be a good idea. These little guys are very intelligent...you don't want him to think you abandoned him :(

09-22-2014, 10:11 AM
Haha I have slowly discovered that! I just want to make sure he is as comfortambly as he possibly can be so I guess if he likes it up there I shouldn't worry too much.

I've gone a bit cray and make a whole list of things that he likes to do and eat as treats and how long he should get minimum out of the cage each day, plus I've brung all his stuff so I can make his stay as comfortable and stress free as possible. I trust who he's staying with for the week because they've had experience with birds so that's not an issue but I'm just so worried he's going to think I've left him for good which I haven't so I'll make sure I come and visit and if I can't then I'll do FaceTime with him if that will help at all? I don't want him to think I've abandoned him either, it would be the most heart breaking thing for me and definitely for him too... I'm even finding it hard now and he hasn't even left :(

09-22-2014, 12:56 PM
I agree with Maxie's assessment of the happy hut situation. He's going to sleep where he wants to sleep, as that's where he's comfortable. :)

Getting him to where he's safe is the most important thing! If you can visit, I would do that and spend time with him. He's going to be anxious, regardless, as there's a change in normal routine. It will all work out.

What is being done at home?

09-22-2014, 06:16 PM
Okay so nothing to worry about with the happy hut then.

We're getting our floor boards re-sanded and varnished over the next week and I definitely don't want him anywhere near this so he's off on his little holiday. I'm going to try and visit as much as possible so hopefully it will be okay

Thanks guys :)

09-23-2014, 07:32 PM
I'm sure he'll be fine.
Be sure the house is free of any toxic fumes before you bring your little angel back home :)

09-23-2014, 08:29 PM
I will be triple checking before he comes back into the house
I got offered to stay the night there a couple of times so I might do that just so he doesn't think that I've just left him for good but I stayed with him for two hours yesterday just to make sure he was okay and he seems to be super accepting of them and will sit on their shoulders so I think he will be just fine :)