View Full Version : PIP!! really????

Pips mom
10-08-2014, 10:16 AM
Ok, so Pip has been so well behaved, staying outta trouble, and for the first time in his eight year life, his flights are fully grown out! I've always clipped him as soon as he'd start flying all over and getting into things! I never take away his flight, he still has plenty, but just to slow him down a bit. SO, I was thinking he finally made it and has calmed over the years, and today he's just out of control!!! All over, getting into things, flying all over, I have to shoo him off of things and out of places where he doesn't belong and I thought MAYbe I wouldn't have to clip again! OHHH, my lil monster! So full of spunk, energy, curiosity, and dermination! Yeah, that means minus a few flight feathers! sorry Pip! but it's that time again!

10-08-2014, 10:24 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Pip is being a lovebird and this is what lovebirds do.....get into trouble! Bless his heart, he really keeps mom on her toes! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to keep the little angel safe. :rotfl

Ginger, CAG, is the same way. Her flights are growing back and her time is approaching, as well. Her flights, when grown completely out, are gorgeous but they take her to places I don't want her to go!

10-08-2014, 11:30 AM
I'm glad Ditto is a velcro birdy. Once he flies to me he's done!

10-08-2014, 06:08 PM
Murphy is supposedly a "special needs" bird. He never fledged correctly. They told me I shouldn't clip him. I haven't (except once when he needed meds for 10 days). I haven't noticed him having the slightest difficulty flying, however. He is actually pretty much cage-free since I can't catch him to put him in. He stays pretty close to the cages when the other two are safely inside but is all over the place when I'm home and he's out. He puts himself in his own cage if I don't get home before dusk. Then he moves to Gussie's cage as soon as I let Gussie out. If I'm home before dark and Gussie is out he puts himself to bed in Gussie's cage. Gussie also puts herself to bed, about an hour after Murphy. She used to go to her own cage which would shoo Murphy out...briefly. He would go back into Gussie's cage once she was settled (I leave the cage doors open if I am home). Gussie finally decided, all on her own, to put herself to bed in Murphy's cage now so she doesn't disturb him. They certainly have their ways about them, don't they :)

Pips mom
10-12-2014, 04:25 PM
So, yeah, I never clipped him, he's getting a second chance!!! :nyah:

10-12-2014, 05:00 PM
So, yeah, I never clipped him, he's getting a second chance!!! :nyah:

Ditto hasn't been clipped in over 10 years and other than when I had to give him meds he's been fine. Get the meds and it's time to play catch the birdy!