View Full Version : Bird Bird is..

11-02-2005, 01:21 PM
..a female! Didn't know anything about this Quaker when I adopted her but when I went home for lunch, I found an egg (broken) on the bottom of her cage! The only warning I had (and I didn't pay it much attention) was sudden aggressive behavior whenever anyone got near her cage. No torpedo butt, no shredding, just aggression.

I removed the egg, as it broke when it hit the grate on the bottom of the cage but I will find something for her for a nest so that she's comfortable with her eggs. She's not happy because I had to take away her egg, but there were no options. :( Do I have plans to find her a mate? Not at the moment.

11-02-2005, 01:41 PM
Well, surprise surprise!! :lol Poor Miss BirdBird....those darn eggs can get away from you when you don't have a nest. My friend had a Quaker hen for 16 years (she just passed away recently, the bird, not the friend) and she would lay all summer long, every few days laying an egg and was extremely aggressive. When she was done laying and sitting, she was back to sweet bird. I don't think they shred at all, and if I remember correctly, when making a nest, sticks and large strings were preferred to make an elaborate nest. Five used to make a wonderful nest in his cage, shame he was male and had no mate. I can't remember, with Quakers do the males do most of the nest building?

11-02-2005, 03:29 PM
WOW! Bird Bird must be feeling like she found her forever home. I'm sorry she's upset but hopefully she will be feeling better if and when she lays another egg and she has a place to sit on it :) .

I'm glad I'm not the only one fooled by a laying hen. Basil didn't have torpedo butt nor was she aggressive. She was just chewing up paper and playing in the guitar like she always does :)

11-02-2005, 04:45 PM
Another hormonal Hen! Boy is my husband happy NOT to be in your house! ( he experienced hormonal hen with Sam in the past). I agree, that was fast to start laying. I guess that's what they call nature's call! And you got to know the sex without DNA testing! So many good things are comming out of that egg! :D