View Full Version : Advice needed about neighbor

11-13-2014, 11:21 AM
We have this neighbor and our kids play together. My kids homeschool, so they don't have a lot of friends in the neighborhood except the few on our street. (Their other groups of friends are the ones they see throughout the week at various activities.) The mom, when she comes by to pick up her kids or to borrow sugar, etc is very rough with my birds. The birds are usually on me, on the play stand, or on top of their cages during the day. She is more fond fond of my IRN and tries to force him to step up on her finder. She is way too fast, too harsh, and too loud. My IRN is very shy and only likes my husband and me. It takes him a while to warm up to someone new but it is possible if new people are slow and gentle. Nothing about this woman is slow and gentle. Frankly she scares me and I'm not a bird :/ So of course my birds hate her and scream at her. Then she asks them and me loudly why they are in a bad mood :whistle: Really? So I really don't want to break any bridges here because of my kids, but I would really like her to stop. It would take longer than a minute to explain to her how birds are not dogs, that you need to be slow, and they hold grudges for a very long time all the while not offending her. We can't even take the birds outside anymore because if she sees us, she will come over and try to hold/ talk loudly/ scare whichever bird I have.