View Full Version : Oh Daiquiri...always something

11-19-2014, 03:01 PM
So, my infamous disaster bird (seriously, the one who gets sick from the most innocent things, such as aspen) has another issue that has not resolved itself.

a few months ago I noticed some thinning feathers along his rump. I figured his girlfriend he been pulling them out. I kept an eye on it and when his tail feathers started to go missing I moved her out of the cage. It seemed to help, as there were pin feathers coming through and peachfuzz covering his bald areas...

but now i've noticed his inner thighs are bare and you can see where the pins are poking through, and he's got one tail feather that is swollen at the shaft and red. He doesn't seem to be acting any differently, I don't see him preen excessively, he seems just as happy as always. I don't want to think HE's plucking them himself, but I know its looking like it,unless the pins coming through are just itchy enough to where he's continued on what she started (seriously, his girlfriend was kind of a bully. Not mean enough to hurt him, but she ruled the roost and he's my sweet pushover baby). Just wondering if anyone has any input on this?

11-19-2014, 03:55 PM
...... a few months ago I noticed some thinning feathers along his rump. I figured his girlfriend he been pulling them out. I kept an eye on it and when his tail feathers started to go missing I moved her out of the cage. It seemed to help, as there were pin feathers coming through and peachfuzz covering his bald areas...

but now i've noticed his inner thighs are bare and you can see where the pins are poking through, and he's got one tail feather that is swollen at the shaft and red.......[snip]

Without an up close clear photo, or better yet a biopsy on the swollen feather shaft, its really difficult to say. Could be the result of injury or trauma to the feather follicle, a parasite (giardia, etc), or some other unforeseen condition.

I really think your best course is to have her examined by an avian vet. Preferably before it turns habitual. ...... Please keep us posted.

11-19-2014, 05:59 PM
linda, what kind of lovebird mutation is yellow like a lutino and is orangeface but hss black eyes not red? dorothy

11-19-2014, 07:51 PM
I know its not a 100%, but I had mentally ruled out parasites seeing as how none of the other 6 lovebirds or parrotlet have any feather issues, and this didn't start til Daiquiri acquired a cage mate. His feathers have been perfect for the four years I've had him (since i purchased him as a weanling baby.)

11-21-2014, 09:01 AM
Sounds like it's in the area where the preen gland is located. I wonder if it needs expressing because it's clogged. I've had that happen a couple of times, but I agree with Michael. When in doubt, ask your avian vet. :)