View Full Version : Some questions about my adopted lovebird.

11-25-2014, 03:39 PM
Hi there , new to the forum and lovebirds in general. I have just adopted my Grans' ten/ twelve year old lovebird and he's quickly turned from a wee bird I used to see every week for half an hour to a loved pet :) Having said this I'm very inexperienced with keeping birds and have quite a few questions as I want him to be happy and relaxed in my company. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

1) At my Grans he was kept in a really large cage. Unfortunately due to space constraints his cage here is a bit smaller so I want to start letting him out. He's not had his wings clipped and was never let out of his cage at all in his old house. Is this a good idea? I'm guessing he would return for food /water after a while but scared he wouldn't return and I would end up having to try and catch him thus distressing him. Would I be better just leaving him in his cage?

2) He's scared of me. When I walk in the room he flies to the back of his cage. He does eventually come onto his perch now which he didn't before so I guess he's getting used to me but he still cowers when I'm changing his water etc. Ideally I would like him to be comfortable with me or even on me. He's never been handled before , he just lived in his cage with another lovebird who sadly passed on. He is not used to human contact and I 'm just wondering if it is worth even trying at his age or whether this will just distress him even more.

3) So far I've only been feeding him seed and apples which is what he used to have at my Grans. Is it worth trying other fruit and veg at his age or just stick to what he knows?

4) Would it be beneficial to keep him in the living room instead of the kitchen? At the moment I sit with him for about 45 mins a day and am in and out the room apart from that. Is that enough interaction ?

5) when I put music on he flaps his wings and chirps. I take it that means he's enjoying it? Particularly seems to like bob Marley and Roy Orbison :)

6) He's been pulling feathers out of his chest. He used to do this when the other lovebird was there but had stopped before the move. Is this stress related ? Is there anything I can do to stop him?

Sorry for the barrage of questions but this is a very new experience for me and wee Harris, as I've only ever had a dog before. Grown to love the wee chap already and just want to make his new life as happy and stress free as possible. Thanks in advance for any replies.

11-25-2014, 03:57 PM
Forgot to mention that he stands on one leg sometimes, is this normal. Hope he's not got a sore foot :/

11-26-2014, 12:34 PM
1) At my Grans he was kept in a really large cage. Unfortunately due to space constraints his cage here is a bit smaller so I want to start letting him out. He's not had his wings clipped and was never let out of his cage at all in his old house. Is this a good idea? I'm guessing he would return for food /water after a while but scared he wouldn't return and I would end up having to try and catch him thus distressing him. Would I be better just leaving him in his cage?
I think I would let him get to know you better before you let him out of his cage. He's in a strange place and needs to get used to the changes. He will warm up to you but with parrots, it takes experience so it can be a slow process, depending on how much attention he gets from you. Obviously, the more, the better. :)

2) He's scared of me. When I walk in the room he flies to the back of his cage. He does eventually come onto his perch now which he didn't before so I guess he's getting used to me but he still cowers when I'm changing his water etc. Ideally I would like him to be comfortable with me or even on me. He's never been handled before , he just lived in his cage with another lovebird who sadly passed on. He is not used to human contact and I 'm just wondering if it is worth even trying at his age or whether this will just distress him even more.
All live creatures will respond to love and kindness. Lovebirds are extremely social so I think it's worth the effort to get him to used to you being around. Many a not formerly handled lovebird has transformed into a lovable velcro lovie!

3) So far I've only been feeding him seed and apples which is what he used to have at my Grans. Is it worth trying other fruit and veg at his age or just stick to what he knows?
Definitely try other things. Lovebirds are more likely to eat veggies than fruit but there are some that LOVE fruit. Lafebers Avi-cakes and Nutriberries are other good choices to try.

4) Would it be beneficial to keep him in the living room instead of the kitchen? At the moment I sit with him for about 45 mins a day and am in and out the room apart from that. Is that enough interaction ?
Lovebirds are very social and I always suggest as much attention/interaction as possible. If being in the living room provides that, I would move the cage.

5) when I put music on he flaps his wings and chirps. I take it that means he's enjoying it? Particularly seems to like bob Marley and Roy Orbison :)
His reaction indicates he likes the music!

6) He's been pulling feathers out of his chest. He used to do this when the other lovebird was there but had stopped before the move. Is this stress related ? Is there anything I can do to stop him?
Could be stress related or just boredom? Does he have toys to play with/shred/chew up? Parrots LOVE to chew!

Sorry for the barrage of questions but this is a very new experience for me and wee Harris, as I've only ever had a dog before. Grown to love the wee chap already and just want to make his new life as happy and stress free as possible. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Hope the information is helpful!

11-29-2014, 04:05 PM
Thanks so much for the info. Every day he seems a bit more used to the attention we're giving him. Have left his cage in the kitchen for now but me and my wife are spending a lot more time in there to keep him company. Tried some broccoli, banana , peas and peppers and he won't touch them so think inking he just likes what he's been fed for the last few years. We have added a few more bits and bobs to his cage which will hopefully stop him pulling out his feathers. Going to leave it a while before we try handling him I think but hopefully he'll come round when we do. Thanks again.

12-11-2014, 10:15 AM
Thumbs up to the Bob Marley & Roy Orbison!

Here's a tune that Sweety likes 8)


12-11-2014, 03:31 PM
Hi and welcome! Sounds like you are well on the way to becoming a lovebird slave like the rest of us! They do warm up to attention fast.

I do have one word of caution and that's regarding keeping him in the kitchen. Birds are very sensitive to fumes, cleaning chemicals, etc. It is IMPERATIVE that you not use Teflon or non stick items to cook with, if you have been. These surfaces will emit fumes that will kill a bird when overheated. You may already know this and I'm telling you something you already know, but better safe than sorry.

I would just hate to have an accident happen, as unfortunately some people find out the hard way about these things.