View Full Version : Taming My two blue masked lovebirds

12-05-2014, 08:18 AM
Hey Everyone. I just found about this site and I think it's GREAT to have a forum site that just deals with lovebirds . Anyways, a pet store recently closed down and the owner of the shop gave me two blue masked lovebirds that are both a year and a half old. They had eggs once and they have been mating for quiet a while now. However, I have them for a week now and I'm desperately finding a way for them to not be scared of me. What can I do? I tried putting my hand in front of them with millet but all they do is either bite or run away. If anyone has any advice or tips on how I can get them to like me and come outside of the cage with me, that will be great Thanks everyone and great site.

12-05-2014, 06:41 PM
Hi there and welcome :)

When I first brought Max home, he was terrified of hands and me. Now, a year later, he won't leave my hands...lol. There's no mystery or magic training sessions, just a lot of love, kindness and patience. As soon as they realize that you mean them no harm, they will trust you and believe me, there is no greater feeling in the world.

Enjoy your lovies and be patient:)