View Full Version : looks like gigi has a little nest!

12-05-2014, 08:21 AM
so i made a mistake...
i have this nightstand that had some books in it. whenever i would let gigi out in my bedroom, she would go there immediatly and chew up the books. so i moved the books. but...
she found the way into the drawer of the nightstand (through the back into the drawer - ive had cats do this in cabinets) and got a hold of some old coupons and chewed them to shreds... now the nightstand is hers! weve been joking that its her "cubicle" because now, the first thing she wants to do in the morning is go to her cubicle and get to work. she sits in there and then occasionally comes out to see me on my bed typing on my computer - presumably to find more material for her little cove.

i know i got myself into this but i just want to know... does anyone else have a lovebird that took over a piece of furniture or place? how do i stop it? just preventative medicine, huh, i.e. keep her away from there. (i think its kind cute..

12-05-2014, 03:48 PM
The easiest thing to do is remove it from view. Cover it with a towel, a blanket or whatever so she can't find access. I would make her forage more for her food as she would in the wild so she's busy and doesn't have time to think about shredding paper!