View Full Version : Two birds in the hand!

12-12-2014, 10:31 AM
Okay, so we've gotten to the point where if I stick my hand in the cage to change water/food, Nanamua will aggressively hop over to defend his territory and nips are normal and Nanahope comes over to copycat.

However, if I stick my hand in the cage open palm up, they take it as an invitation to stand on my hand and nibble my fingers. At first, they were content to hop and trade places, chewing on my nails and gumming my skin, but now they look forward to coming out.

I am considering having their wings trimmed because both can fly. Nanamua will hop up more or less obediently, but Nanahope is a chicken and loud noises and anything scary (i.e. everything!) will cause him to fly around the room and land out of reach. I wind up having to put Nanamua back and Nanahope will get all "OMG, don't leave me behind!" and then will submit being carried back to the cage.

Neither one allows skritches yet, and I have to sneak in kisses on the back (Nanamua will try to nibble lips and noses) but I am hopeful. It's so different having two lovies, but I love how sweet they are with each other!

12-13-2014, 01:16 AM
Not the best picture.... but here they are!



12-13-2014, 01:57 PM
Looks like Nanamua and Nanahope are becoming a couple of real characters! Ah, but this is parronting at its finest! ........:)

12-14-2014, 11:48 PM
They're very cute :)

12-15-2014, 09:48 AM
I really enjoy hearing about the Nanas and yes, they are a couple of characters! :lol