View Full Version : Would you be able to....

12-20-2014, 07:28 PM
...pick out your own lovie(s) in a cage full of lovebirds? :)

12-21-2014, 03:27 PM
...pick out your own lovie(s) in a cage full of lovebirds? :)

Yep. Ditto would be the one dancing and trying to get to me! :happy:

12-21-2014, 05:15 PM
My daughter picked out our Goofy Lovebird from a large aviary that contained about 30 lovebirds. At first she had thoughts about adopting a pair, as many had already formed bonds with each other making the task of finding a compatible pair relatively easy. But then she noticed Goof off in an area pretty well occupied by only himself.

Yes, you can pick out a lovie from a cage full, however, I would be careful in that you don't end up separating a bird from its mate. .....:2cents: ... :)

12-22-2014, 11:40 AM
Like if they were visiting friends?

I think so. We've had the Nanas long enough to recognize personality and feather pattern. Although, I admit if Nanahope didn't have his gimpy leg, I'd have a little trouble. He pretty much looks like every normal green ever and he's still a shy boy.