View Full Version : Update and a question reguarding bathing

01-13-2015, 06:04 AM
HI Everyone,
It has been awhile since i've on written on here. I have been reading but not posting :) Some of you know i had wrist surgery back in may of 2014.... well i'm STILL healing from that! I don't know if it's my age or the amout of fixing they did while they were in there but it's a slow process. I had a small bone taken out, tfcc repair done and some arthritis cleaned up. Has anyone else had this done and if so how long did it take before your wrist felt normal again. In november i decided to shovel a small area behind our apt for the dog to go out and i felt something pop, well finally got in the ortho a week ago and she said i probably sprained it.... how the heck can that happen?? lol, so she gives me a cortisone shot and has me back in the hard brace for while... geez!

Lacey is continuing to be a major velcro birdy! She turns 2 sometime mid month. She is finally starting to try alot more foods i eat, not much on the fruits tho. She now insists on eating whats on my plate. :) I think i may try to make some birdy bread again, it was never a thing she would eat.... she would take a couple bites and walk away from it. Bathing.... i can't figure this bird out! I've read most lovebirds love to take baths, not this one. She flies to me when she hears me run water to wash dishes. I take her up to the bathroom when i take a shower to see if she'll go in with me. Nope, she just runs back and forth on the towl bar making so much noise to get me out of there lol. She fianlly decided the dog bowl is her best option after about a week and a half of not getting a bath. Is there an easier way to do this?? :)

Sorry for the lenghy post, and thank you in advance to any responses.


01-13-2015, 07:54 AM
Is there an easier way to do this??
:rofl::rofl::rofl:Honestly......no.:whistle: She's made her bathing choice clear, finally, and, if Lacey is like most of my Lovebirds, changing her mind would take an act of a birdie god! Just make sure the water bowl is clean.......

Lovebirds are funny...independent as well as very social. They are social eaters. You are the mate and she wants to share what you have.

I've not had the same kind of surgery done that you had done but I've had foot surgery were bone was broken and cut. It took a minimum of 6 months for that to heal, as this kind of surgery has to heal from the inside. I wish I had known then what I know now. I started taking a supplement called BioAstin (Hawaiian Astaxanthin) about 3 years ago and my doctors have all commented that it's having a profound effect on the heal of my body. I started taking it for inflammation from arthritis and I didn't need the surgery my doctor said I would need. I also have potential eye problems and this particular supplement seems to have stabilized my eyesight (I only have one eye....) It's worked for me so about all you can do is try it and see what it does for you.

01-13-2015, 08:05 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. I think these type of surgeries take a while to recover from. My friends father had the same sort of procedure done on his shoulder and the orthopaedic surgeon said it would take time to heal. Very important to do physio. My dad fell and broke his hip in July. Had a hip replacement and is still having a difficult time walking. They said he'd be walking fine in three months and it's been over six months now. Took him for two other ortho surgeons for another opinion and they both said it could take up to a year to heal because of his age. Patience and exercise is the key.

Now, back to our birdies :). Max used to take a bath every other day. I hold a little clear bowl of water up to him and he jumps right in. The last few months, it's only a once a week thing. Have you tried just putting him in front of a clear glass bowl with water? Splash your fingers in it and maybe he'll dive right in? I wouldn't let him bathe in the dog water bowl though.

Btw...happy second b day Lacey :)

01-13-2015, 09:04 AM
Hi Maxie,

yes i have tried to just put a bowl or a small flat plate in front of her, she just runs up and down my arm chirping at me, lol. The dogs water bowl is clean, she seems to know that is it fresh water. She never tries to bathe in it unless it's fresh. :)

01-13-2015, 09:08 AM

She never tries to bathe in it unless it's fresh.
Bathtime with my lovebirds is right after I fill their water dishes with fresh water!

01-13-2015, 09:16 AM
:rofl::rofl::rofl:Honestly......no.:whistle: She's made her bathing choice clear, finally, and, if Lacey is like most of my Lovebirds, changing her mind would take an act of a birdie god! Just make sure the water bowl is clean.......

Lovebirds are funny...independent as well as very social. They are social eaters. You are the mate and she wants to share what you have.

I've not had the same kind of surgery done that you had done but I've had foot surgery were bone was broken and cut. It took a minimum of 6 months for that to heal, as this kind of surgery has to heal from the inside. I wish I had known then what I know now. I started taking a supplement called BioAstin (Hawaiian Astaxanthin) about 3 years ago and my doctors have all commented that it's having a profound effect on the heal of my body. I started taking it for inflammation from arthritis and I didn't need the surgery my doctor said I would need. I also have potential eye problems and this particular supplement seems to have stabilized my eyesight (I only have one eye....) It's worked for me so about all you can do is try it and see what it does for you. Thanks for the info linda, i've never heard of that but then i really haven't looked into taking any supplements other then my multi vitamin. I do recall i was told it could take up to a year or more to fully recover but i guess i have so much to do and being in pain just slows me down, lol. (possible move in march).

Also while im thinking about it.... my hubby is moving to 2nd shift starting on monday. What's the best way to start moving her bed time to a later time...i don't want to upset her so much that it makes her cranky and hormonal. She has been doing so good with her 12 hour bedtime. His shift will start at 4 p.m. Her bedtime now is 7 pm til 7 am. Would letting her stay up 2 hours later for a few nights til i get her to the new bedtime upset her to much?

01-13-2015, 09:35 AM
You will find that birds are creatures of habit. You can try to change her bedtime but you may or may not succeed. I would do it in small increments, say, 15 minutes at a time. She will still need her 12 hours of sleep but you may be able to modify start and end times. With mine, they are ready for bed when they are ready, lights on or off. I try for sunrise/sunset, which is normal for birds in the wild. Sounds like Lacey is basically close to that schedule, too.

I get the BioAstin on Amazon.com. I use 12 mg gel caps and I can tell if I "forget" a day. I can't take any kind of pain medication, including aspirin, as all raise pressure in the eyes and I have Glaucoma in my right eye so that's the last thing I need. I'm just sharing what has worked for me, thankfully, as I was in a LOT of pain before I started it. My doctor gave me a referral to see a surgeon and surgery has its own side effects with me so I did a search for a natural anti-inflammatory, figuring it sure couldn't hurt!