View Full Version : Decided To Try Something Different

01-18-2015, 07:18 PM
All my larger parrots each have their own cages and all, except Ginger, will stay on their cages with little supervision. All get along well and it's not unusual to see Harley in Monty's cage or Sonny in Ginger's cage. Georgia has a cage but only goes in to get to the food and water dishes. Otherwise, she's out of her cage all day long and goes nowhere.

I found a really nice manzanita stand that I think will work perfectly for Georgia. The food and water cups are the type that have screws that go through the wood and then there would be a lot of branches for her to climb around on. can hang toys from the perches easier than I can in her cage. It has a base which is easy to clean and it would catch droppings and seed shells. I ordered it for Georgia and want to see how well she does with it. It's definitely more attractive than a cage, even though Georgia's is all chrome.

Will let you know how this experiment goes!

01-19-2015, 04:07 PM
I want to be a parrot at Linda's house! :rofl:

Ditto would probably be ok if I left his cage open all day too. He won't stay out if I'm not around. When I leave the room and he can't find me he goes back home to wait. But I don't trust my luck. The first time I tried that I know darn well he'd get himself into some kind of trouble. :evil:

01-19-2015, 06:19 PM
Linda, that sounds like a great idea...let us know how it works out.

Max is out of his cage all day. He NEVER goes in on his own. After having him for over a year now, I've come to understand his chirps and what they mean. When he's hungry he'll chirp almost sucky like so I'll bring him over to his cage, he'll hop right in, straight to his food dish, eat and then chirp again (the I'm finished eating you can let me out again chirp) for me to come open up the cage door and let him out. On Christmas Day he surprised us when he actually went into his cage on his own to eat. Never did it again. I blame myself....I've spoiled him....give him water from a glass, feed him carrots while he's playing. And, there's always fresh birdie bread sitting on top of a box I keep all his bags of treats in. So, there's really no need for him to go inside to eat...lol