View Full Version : Bird that can't fly

02-09-2015, 06:23 PM
Has anyone ever come across this? We have a large pandemonium of Lovebirds. 10 to be exact. We just acquired 3 more today to bring the total to 10.
Today we got the breeding pair that 3 of our other birds are from and we received one more baby that was born in December. Well she can't fly. One of her wings doesn't seem to work properly because it causes her to flop onto her back. The wing tries it just doesn't seem to work with the other wing. Otherwise she is in good health and unfortunately we don't have an Avian Veterinarian anywhere nearby. Should I just train her as a hand tame and leave it alone or can this cause complications? ?

02-10-2015, 09:48 AM
I have an Indian ringneck with a similar issue, only hers was caused by abuse :( I would just try and make her as comfortable as possible. Get her her own nice cage set up with plenty of things to help her climb so she can get around easier. Use flat perches in case she has a bit of balancing problems. As long as you can make her life easier for her then she should do just fine!

02-10-2015, 10:08 AM
Can she extend the wing that doesn't seem to work properly? She might have a dislocated joint at the shoulder which would cause flight problems. Any photos you could share might allow us to see what you see.

If she can't fly properly, I, personally, would hand tame her and allow her to be a pet, if that works for her.

02-11-2015, 12:57 PM
How do I post pictures? Lol

02-11-2015, 01:05 PM
The wing doesn't look out of place at all. She looks completely normal, until she tries to fly.

OK so we just checked her iut. I held her so she was tight in my hand but wings were free. It doesn't work. It works at the shoulder but she doesn't extend it. We are going to make her a happy hand held bird :-)

02-11-2015, 01:32 PM

Did this picture work

02-11-2015, 02:29 PM
I changed the image code to an image link & it works. Can she extend both wings normally? The muscles just may need exercise to strengthen. Does she ever hold onto a perch and just flap her wings?

02-11-2015, 02:37 PM
No she doesn't do much flapping and I haven't seen her stretch yet. Like I said, we just got her on Monday. We named her Flip because when she tries to fly she can't and she ends up on her back