View Full Version : Bredding Fishers

02-14-2015, 03:59 PM
I just recently acquired a being pair of Fisher Lovebirds, I have had them home for a week or so now, but they still run and hide in the breeders box when I enter the room.

It was informed from the previous owner that both of the birds is hand tame, but I makes it hard to get them comfortable with me while they hide. Any suggestions on how I can coax them out?

Some info about their living situation as of now.

They are eating and drinking, and also tearing up newspaper something fierce for nesting. They had no toys whatsoever when I got them, so I have added a couple, but situated them to the side of the cage to not be directly in front of the best box entrance.

They both have also been clipped by the previous owner.
I also have 4 budgies in same room, I didn't realize until after I situated both cages there that it's better to have them separated until comfortable. However, now that the cages are already in the same room, should I leave them there or re-situate one of the cages?

I think that covers most of the environmental info i can think of.

Any suggestions at all would be appreciated. If it is a common occurrence for a breeding pair than I will feel better.


02-14-2015, 04:16 PM
May I ask why the previous owner sold a proven pair? I'm a retired breeder and it's always a concern for me when proven breeders are for sale. How many previous clutches have they had and how long ago was the last one? I'm asking in anticipation of what kind of information you will need.

Keep in mind that your new pair are in a strange place and need time to realize you don't intend to hurt them. Birds are prey animals so they need to learn by experience that you can be trusted. Move slowly when you go to see them and talk to them. Bright colored clothing can cause fear so you may want to wear clothing that is a soft color. Many parrots don't like red.

02-15-2015, 01:37 AM
Just realized i misspelled breeder. oops..

And he is moving to Seattle. Customs and all that fun stuff is expensive and he either couldn't or didn't want to deal with it.

I believe they have never had a clutch, they are just going through the motions and nesting, I didnt get a whole lot of info from him on top of that, it was a very short period of time between talking and purchase due to his move a few days later. Since then, like i wrote, I have tried to improve their living surroundings a little.
When i got them, there were no toys whatsoever, now, there is only one left of the two i put in there. The first one is in shreds. lol.
Thanks for the heads up on the red though, I didnt know that, luckily i only own one red tshirt, and dont cheer for a sports team that has any red. :)

I do know that he raised them from babies, so any information wasnt lost in a changing hands multiple times.