View Full Version : Hikuri want to build a nest these days

04-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Hikuri is been busy shredding anything shred-able and stuffing it in her back.

She's become more aggressive with my Alexandrine parakeet and family members. Her mood swings are unpredictable. She grunts more than usual and lunge. She'll be cuddling with me and out of nowhere she'll bite really hard.

I'm kind of confused and I don't want her to be frustrated. Should I get her a male to satisfy her needs or should I leave her like this. I'm scared that if I get her a mate, our bond will fade. Even if not, I wouldn't want to get her out of her cage after work, leaving the male behind.

I want her to be happy but I don't want to get another lovebird and leave him caged.
None sells any tamed lovebirds and I don't have the time to tame another bird.

Any advice?


04-08-2015, 02:05 PM
What you are seeing is typical female lovie hormonal behavior. There's plenty of food available to support babies so that's where her mind is.

I know I've said this before, but in the wild, parrots forage for their food all day long and it keeps them quite busy. Foraging will also work for captive kept parrots, as well. My Safe Bird Store has a nice variety and Parrot Treasures is another good option.

Getting a male will simply increase the likelihood of a stronger desire for a family and that's a huge responsibility in itself. Keeping her busy is the best suggestion I can offer.

04-09-2015, 12:08 PM
Thanks a lot Linda :)
I'll try to make her get busy finding food.

04-09-2015, 01:34 PM
I would start slowly until she gets the idea but I can tell you from experience that a busy beak is attached to a happy parrot! :happy: