View Full Version : It came

11-03-2005, 07:45 PM
Daughter brought mail in and said I got something about birds. it is my kit to sex Whisper. I am so nervous :confused: . Any hints on how to do this? I am going to make husband help me and doing it away from Baggy. I know for sure she will try and attack me if she is out in same room. I have to buy tweezers this weekend to do it..Any hints and ideas will be welcomed.


11-03-2005, 07:47 PM
I have my kit too and probably will do the toes nail clipping and blood sample. It should be faster then plucking feathers.

11-03-2005, 07:53 PM
If you are going to take a blood sample, make sure you clean the nail you are going to short clip. If the sample is contaminated, you will get a false reading. You don't have to clip the nail that short, just short enough for blood to drip. The key to keeping the blood flowing is for the bird to relax the foot. If the foot tenses up, no bleeding. I've never completely filled the little circle but you have to have enough blood to soak through to the back of the card.

11-03-2005, 08:00 PM
My kit is a feather one. Not sure I could handle having to make Whisper bleed. I cna not even handle my own kids gettign shots..lol.


11-03-2005, 08:23 PM
If you are going to take a blood sample, make sure you clean the nail you are going to short clip. If the sample is contaminated, you will get a false reading. You don't have to clip the nail that short, just short enough for blood to drip. The key to keeping the blood flowing is for the bird to relax the foot. If the foot tenses up, no bleeding. I've never completely filled the little circle but you have to have enough blood to soak through to the back of the card.

I got it completed while I was checking Blu's feathers. I learned 2 things! 1- Don't wear a white sweather, 2- Don't ask your whimpy husband to help you. Mine was completely useless, crying louder then the bird was chirping. Hard to believe he is a firefighter *sigh*

It said only a few drops. It didn't mention going through the card. *Sigh* sounds like i will have to try again in a few weeks.

11-04-2005, 09:34 AM
Steph, I can't help you at all cause I couldn't do it BUT, Rubygem does it all the time (the feathers) and I'll ask her to reply. She's out of town till Monday if you want to wait that long. If I did decide to do either method, I'd take the kit and my birds to my vet and have them do it. I'm serious....I'd rather pay the extra than to pluck feathers and find out I didn't have enough or that it wasn't done right. I think Rubygem sends in at least 5 feathers when she does it. Actually, I can call her husband and ask him how they do it since I know he's helped her collect the feathers. I'll let you know what he says....

11-04-2005, 02:36 PM
TY Janie. The kit says for lovebirds get 8-10 :eek: I am actually waiting til next week middle of week to do it as I have no idea If I will be getting more birds at the fair this weekend(husband said a maybe). I am going tomarrow and if I get a new bird I will wait and get another kit and get both done.lol. I am meeting 2 ladies tomarrow at the bird fair and they offered to help me find things. Since I am a newbie.lol. Maybe one day I will get to meet you and Jackie at one.lol.


11-04-2005, 04:58 PM
Steph, Jackie will be at the show you're going to. I won't because it's a small show and too far to drive since I have another show right here in Norcross in early Dec. The big show is a few times a year at the At. Farmers Market. That one is about 40 miles for me and I only hit it once a year if I really need supplies.

Rubygem will be back on Sunday night/Monday so if you want her phone number, let me know and I'll pass that on to you. I think she can give you good advice on how best to pluck those feathers. Better you than me! :lol