View Full Version : Still having pain....

04-23-2015, 05:28 PM
Some of you may remember I had wrist surgery may of last year. It has been a long recovery and I don't think the surgery has fixed everything. I had a tfcc repair with a pisiform bone removal. There was also a bone spur that he had to grind down. I went to the ortho dr in march and i think he knows what else is wrong but not saying... he told me to see if i could "live with it" or go to the next step. Not knowing what the next step is i decided to see if i could live with it. I've decided i can't. I go back to him next week and I'm guessing it's another surgery. Has anyone had any experience with this? If so, what did u do, or if you were me what would u do... thanks :)

04-24-2015, 07:53 AM
I've not experienced the exact same issues you are having but I had a lot of pain in my knees, ankles and the bottom of one foot. Since I have Glaucoma in one eye, I can't take pain killers or anti-inflammatories. Both raise interocular pressure. My primary care physician gave me a referral to an orthopedic surgeon for evaluation. That thought terrified me so I did a search for natural anti-inflamatories and came up with astaxanthin (BioAstin by Nutrex is the brand I use). I figured it couldn't hurt to see what would happen and it sure beat anything a surgeon could offer! It took about 2 weeks and the pain was gone! The pain in the bottom of my foot was from a bone spur and those cause pain because the tissue around it becomes irritated and inflamed by the presence of the spur. I obviously have arthritis but no pain to go with it. I recently added Turmeric to what I use and the two of them actually help a torn rotator cuff I have in my right shoulder.

Best effect from the astaxanthin is that it has stabilized my vision. About all I can say is try these 2 and see what happens.

04-24-2015, 02:27 PM
I wish I could help but all I know is try to avoid surgery as much as possible. My dad fractured his hip last July and had to have emergency surgery for a full hip replacement. It has been almost ten months to the day and he still can't walk on his own and feels pain. I've booked him for more Physio...hopefully it will help.

Try doing a search on natural remedies. What about acupuncture or physiotherapy? Maybe you need to strengthen your muscle tissue around your wrist and forearm?

04-29-2015, 05:47 PM
I went to my orthopedic dr yesterday ....the verdict is tendonitis and trigger thumb, I never even heard of trigger thumb lol. I ended up with 2 injections, a wrist wrap and instructions to take it easy for awhile

04-30-2015, 09:26 AM
Were the injections he gave you cortisone? The underlying problem is inflammation and you may find Bioastin by Nutrex helpful. It's a natural anti inflammatory and there are no known side effects from it. I've been using it for 3+ years and if I stop for a day or two, my body lets me know in a real hurry! Tumeric is also a wonderful anti inflammatory and I'm putting this back out here again at least for consideration. I'm in favor of natural methods and acupuncture might also be a possibility.

04-30-2015, 01:46 PM
yes they were cortisone injections and the pain I'm having now is worse then the pain I was having before I went in :( I'm sorry but i'm not liking the acupuncture thing... looks like a nightmare to me. He gave me many options to consider and right now i'm doing all the reading I can. He basically told me there are many options and not to sit and worry that nothing can be done.... of course there is no guarantee that any of them will "fix" the problem... some things you just have to learn to live with.

04-30-2015, 03:05 PM
From looking at what the problem seems to be, I would bottom line it as inflammation. Reducing that should help and I, personally, always look at the least invasive methods first. Doctors and medicine, in general, scare me because I know what it's like to have things go wrong. I lost an eye to one of those things that could potentially not turn out as expected.