View Full Version : Need home for Male Lovebird

05-14-2015, 09:22 AM
I am looking for a home for my Peach Faced African Love Bird, SugarBaby. He is two years old and a very sweet bird. SugarBaby was trained by me to sit on my shoulder and finger and will take food from my hand. He is not a biter, but I cannot promise that he will not nip a stranger if he is frightened. Sugar knows his name and will react to you if you call his name and he loves to be sung to and whistled for. He does not talk yet, but can learn to talk. He is a very active bird and loves to play with his toys. I will give you his cage and toys and food and teach you to clean his cage and how to care for him. His cage is a King Cage and is on wheels and large ( 18" w x 50" H square) I have to downsize my collection of cages and birds as it is getting to be too much for me to keep taking care of so many.
I am in Kernersville NC