View Full Version : Fighting Lovebirds-on and off

05-28-2015, 01:27 AM

I have two lovebirds living together in the same cage. One is a rosy-faced one, Stubby and the other one is a black-cheeked one, Lime. I have no idea about heir genders. So. I only noticed this fighting yesterday but it might have been going on for a while as I go to school. Yesterday, I only took Stubby out since Lime did not want to come out. I played with Stubby for an hour and a half and then put Stubby back in. Then, Lime started to go after Stubby. It looked pretty fierce to me and I had to stop it.
Today, they fought again. Lime went after Stubby again.

But, sometimes, they look just so sweet together, standing beside each other on their perch and they look like true lovebirds.

Please help! I am currently unable to buy a new cage, so please give me some suggestions and reasons why this is happening. Thanks so much!

05-28-2015, 10:18 AM
Sounds like you may have 2 hens who get along most of the time but have their moments when the aggressor goes after the less dominant partner. Keeping them together is running a risk of serious injury but it also may never happen. I have several such pairs and separating them could only be done if one where to go to another home so they could not hear each other calling back and forth. The most effective way I find to get the message across that behavior is not acceptable is with a spray bottle of water set on "stream." If Stubby goes after Lime, getting sprayed with water that is a stream rather than a mist will get his/her attention immediately and the behavior will stop, at least for the moment. Wet feathers, of course, need to be preened so that will require attention. I think you see what I'm getting at! :)

05-28-2015, 10:59 AM
Even male - female couples sometimes argue and fight (well, who doesn't :whistle: ). Sometimes it can be fierce indeed, but my rule of thumb is - as long as there is no blood flowing, there is nothing to worry about.

In your case, the only worrying factor is that you might indeed have two females, which is potentially dangerous and might be even fatal to one of them. For peace of your own mind, get them tested.

05-13-2020, 09:20 AM
I've had the same problem with my pair except it only occurs in cage (75x50x50cm) and never when they are in the room. Their fights last a maximum if 5 secs. Mine are both DNA tested though so I know they are male-female.
I'm considering the "spray trick" but I don't know if that would be nice/moral to them... I don't want to mess with the nature of "territorialness" if that's what it is xD :confused:

05-13-2020, 11:06 AM
Even male/female pairs can have their squabbles and it can be over anything! As long as there are no injuries, I usually don't intervene. However, if they get nasty with each other, being sprayed with just plain water will definitely catch their attention! I've even found some lovebirds actually like the spray!!