View Full Version : Sneezing lovebird?

05-31-2015, 09:35 AM
Hi there, I have another quick question regarding my lovebirds...
One i have had for two years and I have never heard 'sneeze'... the other one is a newly acquired bird Sunny who seems to sneeze regularly. I have only had her a month and i Quarantined her for 2 weeks before introducing to my other bird.

I am in my final year of studying veterinary medicine at university, so I am well aware that a sneezing bird is not a good sign... but im not even sure if this is a sneeze? Its the quietest little noise after she has flown or something and I am just wondering if lovebirds clear their nares /nostrils often or whether its an actual sneeze? She has no respiratory distress, nasal discharge, is quite happy eating and playing etc so im just wondering if she is just clearing her nostrils? Does anyone elses bird make this noise?

Thank you!

06-01-2015, 07:54 AM
I generally don't have parrots that sneeze, either, so this might be worth having your avian vet check. It could very well be nothing but peace of mind is worth the trip. :)

06-01-2015, 08:16 AM
The only time I heard my birds "sneeze" is when they take a bath, they make a sound that sounds like sneezing, but I understand that as getting rid of water that went into their nostrils. Other than that, I have no clue. Maybe it's dry / dusty in the cage? What kind of cage bedding do you use?

In the beginning, when I got my birds, I would go avian vet each time I wasn't sure. Now I just go with my gut feeling. If you are worried, then probably the best is to take Sunny to the vet, but I don't think that there is anything going on, as respiratory illness goes combined with other symptoms as well.

06-01-2015, 03:54 PM
Ok thanks,
Its just sand sheets on the bottom of the cage but its quite a tall cage and they are really nowhere near the bottom. Its not really dusty either. Its a little sniff after she flies im pretty sure its a sneeze but iv never heard another bird make that noise.

I am seeing practice at an exotics vet this week and I asked him and he said it didnt sound like anything was going on, but Im taking sunny in to get DNA sexed so may do a blood screen just incase.
Thanks :)

06-01-2015, 05:00 PM
Ditto sneezes occasionally when he's eating. He likes to dig way down to the bottom of the bowl and gets nutriberry dust in his nose.

Tiki's Mom
06-05-2015, 11:56 PM
Tiki sneezes only after I sneeze

06-06-2015, 06:13 PM
Tiki sneezes only after I sneeze


10-12-2018, 02:57 PM
I know that sneezing is not a good sign, especially when it is too often. I've read and I noticed that our lovies are sneezing when they are taking a bath and that's normal.

But lately, Bella is sneezing quite often and I really don't know what to do, what to change. Sometimes she sneeze when pooping. I know that's strange. I asked the vet multiple times. He does not has any advice for us. He said that maybe it's an old rhinitis....

I've bought a sensor which measures air quality also, not only temperature and humidity. According to that, air quality where the cage is placed, is very good. There are between 4 ppb and 90 ppb (parts per billion) or, right now, VOC is around 247 microgram/m3, earlier it was around 90 microgram/m3. Humidity is generally around 60%, so that's also good I would say. I've read to take the lovies into the bathroom when we are taking a bath, in order for them to be exposed to more humidity. I think I have in bathroom 80 to 95% humidity. Isn't it too much for them? I don't want to do them more bad...

Indeed, sometime ago we had an air purifier in the room, and during that time she didn't sneeze so often. We stoped using the air purifier when Wilma got her eyes swollen, we didn't know the cause and we wanted to eliminate all the factors. The air purrifer was far away from them, but do you think that the airflow coming from that, could harm the lovies?

06-02-2020, 06:31 PM
my lovebirds both sneeze sometimes, one does it mostly after flying too. the vets haven't found anything wrong with their respiratory system. they suggested it might be dust or dry air, so i've tried to humidify the air by spraying some water in the room regularly.

06-03-2020, 06:19 AM
Lack of humidity can cause occasional sneezing. The ideal humidity for lovebirds is 60% but most homes are considerably less than that, courtesy of air conditioning and even heat in the winter. Perhaps try adding a cool mist dehumidifier in the room where he lives.