View Full Version : Good Birdy....

07-09-2015, 05:00 PM
Ditto has been sneaky with his baths. He's refused to bathe at the sink since last June and I haven't actually seen him take a bath since sometime shortly after that.

Well after the 5th consecutive day of florida like humidity (he hates humidity) we're about to get a nasty thunderstorm. As soon as the thunder started, he wandered from the food dish, to the water dish and snuck in a quick bath! :happy::happy:

I know what he really wants. He wants me to open the door and stand there with him inside the screen and get soaked by the storm.:evil::evil:

Sorry Dittobird, you may be spoiled but that's just not going to happen.

07-09-2015, 07:53 PM
Lol...at least he took a bath! Max hasn't taken a bath in over a week!

Last night during dinner, he jumped on my glass of water and wanted to jump in to take a bath. When I took him off and brought out his birdie bath bowl, he had no interest:roll: He kept jumping on my glass instead! Lol

Hopefully tomorrow :)

07-09-2015, 08:06 PM
He didn't think I saw him. I was sitting here at the computer but I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

He even managed to get soaked without splashing anything else. He's getting sneaky in his old age.

He used to get half the house wet when he took a bath.

07-10-2015, 07:48 AM
That's the last problem I have at my house! If I were to change the water in the water dish 5 times a day, my flock would take that many baths! When I feed everyone, I usually start with the water so they are clean when they go to the food dishes! Comical is seeing my lanai aviary full of soaking wet feathers!

07-10-2015, 08:37 AM
That's the last problem I have at my house! If I were to change the water in the water dish 5 times a day, my flock would take that many baths! When I feed everyone, I usually start with the water so they are clean when they go to the food dishes! Comical is seeing my lanai aviary full of soaking wet feathers!

I'm still trying to figure out how he got himself so wet without even getting a drop on the paper at the bottom. He used to get the whole corner of the room wet. He's getting sneaky.

07-10-2015, 09:39 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how he got himself so wet without even getting a drop on the paper at the bottom. He used to get the whole corner of the room wet. He's getting sneaky.
When you figure that one out, Ditto will have to share that one with my flock!! After everyone here is done bathing, there's water everywhere, especially when my larger parrots decide it's bath time. Thank goodness my macaws love my new walk in shower. It kind of contains the watery mess!

07-10-2015, 09:42 AM
When you figure that one out, Ditto will have to share that one with my flock!! After everyone here is done bathing, there's water everywhere, especially when my larger parrots decide it's bath time. Thank goodness my macaws love my new walk in shower. It kind of contains the watery mess!

If I figure that out, he'll just find some other way to be sneaky. I was worried that he wasn't bathing at all since I haven't seen him do it since last summer and saw no evidence of it until I caught him in the act last night. He used to splash so much water around that I would get wet if I was within 3 feet of the cage.

I could get him to teach them how such a little bird can go through 3 pounds of nutriberries in a little over a week!:omg:

07-10-2015, 11:27 AM
I could get him to teach them how such a little bird can go through 3 pounds of nutriberries in a little over a week!:omg:
I'd have to get a second job and I'd never be able to retire!!!!!!! For just my larger parrots, that equates to 21# in a little over a week! I buy 3# bags for anywhere from $20 - $25 (roughly) so you can do the math!

07-12-2015, 04:08 PM
I'd have to get a second job and I'd never be able to retire!!!!!!! For just my larger parrots, that equates to 21# in a little over a week! I buy 3# bags for anywhere from $20 - $25 (roughly) so you can do the math!

Yeah, you'd be able to feed a small African country with the waste if all your birds ate like he does.

Poor little guy looks like a cactus right now with all the pin feathers.