View Full Version : Had a bad step up training experience.. need some help

07-14-2015, 12:04 PM
So I took my 15 week old lovie Sam into my bathroom shower. closed the door, covered the toilet, and her wings are clipped so she couldn't make it to the mirror. couldn't get her to step up. she either nibbled my finger, or stood facing away from me and not at all curious about my hand. I probably did a ton of damage to the trusting relationship we were doing such a good job building..

I think i failed because I didn't have a good idea of how a step up training session should go. I don't know how they work. Could someone explain the process to me please? :( thank you

07-14-2015, 10:41 PM
Not an expert by any means, just got my first birds this year. But I spent a ton of time talking and feeding them millet from my hand in their cage u til they were no longer afraid of me. I could eventually place my index finger a little lower then their chest,and with a gentle nudge eventually they would be forced to step on my finger. I would immediately turn my hand so they could go back on a perch. I found that it taught them my finger would return them to a safe place always. Hope this makes sense. My male was very skiddish for a long time. Eventually he would stand on my arm, and I would just stay still and allow him to stand there. It's all about gaining trust, slow and steady, your bird will come around. I think working with them often for short periods helped too. And found they were more relaxed in the evening or a dimly lit room. Honestly, I had a bonded pair and was told I will never be able to tame them, a month later they were running to the door when they saw me to see me:). Hope this helps!
Also, you haven't failed. I know I made a ton of mistakes taming mine, but they still both love me. You and Same will be great friends before long I'm sure

07-20-2015, 04:27 PM
It's definitely been helping! My bird Sam is so much more friendly lately. I sort of gave up on the idea of handling her, and I've just been giving her treats and letting her be. She comes to me when she wants to, and she's slowly realizing that she can get back up to her cage by hopping onto my arm. Thank you for the advice!

07-20-2015, 10:39 PM
No problem! Hope you are enjoying each other. You will be great friends soon:)