View Full Version : Bird flew out of his cage?

07-14-2015, 08:28 PM
So a little bit more than a week ago, I got two Lovies (Yogurt and Granola). I planned on letting them settle down for a week so they could get used to the house, which went great! Most recently, I would clip a piece of millet to the part of the cage facing me, and they had no problems with that either.

However, they still won't let me touch or hand feed them (which is expected). Then today, Granola got out of the cage. (One of their toys had fallen down, and I was trying to fix it.) Of course, he wouldn't even come near me, and it took a bit of effort to get him back into the cage. We had to catch him with a net, which was probably a terrible experience for him.

Now, neither are responding to millet, unfortunately. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

07-15-2015, 01:40 PM
Give them some time to build their trust with you again. After what happened, I'm sure it freaked them both out a bit. Try giving them food from you hands thru the cage bars. Show them you mean them no harm and they'll come around.

07-16-2015, 09:00 PM
[snip]........Now, neither are responding to millet, unfortunately. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Along with following Maxie's advice, have you tried (if possible) dimming the room lighting? Its a bit touchy, as you certainly don't want to cause your bird/s to panic, but often times decreasing the room lighting (quite a bit), will increase your advantage whenever it boils down towards having to capture via towel, or scarier yet, having to net them.

Do follow up on learning them to step-up. Save the majority of their most favorite food/treat for inside the sanctity of their cage, for that really is the safest place they should go in case of an emergency. And if worse comes to worse, you might want to give "a really MILD wing clip" some thought. .. As in just enough to slow them down, but still be able to fly away should you accidentally leave a door open. ......:omg:

Pips mom
07-17-2015, 10:52 AM
I agree with Michael on the mild wing clip. The thing is, I have found in the past that if you take them to be clipped somewhere, they always clip too much! so just make sure whoever clips them, if you decide to get them clipped, only clips 3 or 4 flight feathers. I really think clipping when a new bird comes into a home is a good idea! I know alot of people are against clipping, but done right, where they still have plenty of flight, really does help alot. You can let them out and not have to worry about a stressful chase game! Yes, they don't like it and you'd still have to grab them from time to time until they settle in, but I've found that grabbing a bird, and holding them against their will really isn't that bad at all as long as you make it as QUICK as possible! Eventually they learn that you doing this is over with quickly and Pip has actually become quite accepting of it now, even though he hates hands! I have to trick him or get him into the bathroom with me and shut the door, but once he realizes he can't get away, he just lets me hold him and doesn't mind much at all. I really believe that he just knows I don't hold him down long, so he thinks........ahhh, just let her give me snuggles and kisses and love on me, it will be over quick! haha!!