View Full Version : I don't need to create foraging opportuniteis...

08-31-2015, 04:38 PM
Ditto makes his own. He's always made his own foraging opportunities. Usually it would be moving avicakes or nutriberries to the veggie bowl, putting nutriberries in with the pellets. And things like that.

Well since tursday he's taken to an old trick. Toss the food to the grate at the bottom then go down and eat it/chase it around. :rofl: I came home from work today and didn't see him, Then his little head popped up from the bottom with a beak full of avi-cake.

Oh and don't even thing about picking it up from the grate while he's down there. He turns into a rattlesnake! :omg:

09-01-2015, 08:39 AM
Ditto is a real character and he's a very happy one! The exercise keeps him active and young, which ain't a bad thing!

09-01-2015, 08:53 AM
Ditto is a real character and he's a very happy one! The exercise keeps him active and young, which ain't a bad thing!

He's a character alright. Last night after couch time (during which he spent 20 minutes eating) I put the food in the cage and he did something he hasn't done in years. He refused to go back in the cage. He ran to the middle of my back where I couldn't reach him. I swear he was laughing at me. When I got him back in, he went down to the bottom and ran around looking for food, when he didn't find any he climbed up to the food dish, ate for 10 minutes, tossed a few pieces and went down after them. I tried to pick up one that he wasn't eating and he chased me away. I had to wait until he went back to the food dish. :evil:

09-01-2015, 07:42 PM
:rotfl:rotfl Ditto cracks me up! Too cute!

09-03-2015, 02:00 PM
Talk about a protective parrot!! Hopefully all the eating and exercise will keep him happy and healthy for a very long time!

09-03-2015, 02:04 PM
Talk about a protective parrot!! Hopefully all the eating and exercise will keep him happy and healthy for a very long time!

He's protective of two things. Food and happy hut.

Last night he ate from 5pm until he went to bed at 10:45 with only a total of 20 minutes away from the dish to preen and hang upside down playing with his pinata. And his little song and dance routine at 9pm when it was time to come out and watch tv.

Instead of foraging on the grate he tossed half of it down there and tried to keep me from putting it back in. He'd wait unitl I almost got it in the dish, then grab it from my fingers and throw it out again. If I held it next to the dish he'd take it and put it in the bowl himself. :rofl:

His weight went up a bit too.

09-07-2015, 04:14 PM
He decided to forage again today. I was on the couch playing video games and he tossed most of his food to the cage floor and followed it down. He'd run to one piece, have a few bites, run to another one for a few bites then off to the next.

When I walked over to the cage to see him better he stopped, stood over the largest pile and looked like a rattlesnake ready to strike. He looked like he was daring me to reach in and try to pick them up. :evil:

Nope, not gonna do that. He's faster than I am! :omg:

09-08-2015, 08:50 AM
He's faster than I am!
Ain't that the truth, though!!! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl There's nothing faster than a lovebird on a mission!