View Full Version : Help!! Lovebird is crazy clingy! Will not pay any attention to toys (video attached)

09-06-2015, 07:34 PM
My lovebird is about 6 months old. She is a single lovebird, and she lives with me and my roommate. If I am home, she does this awful thing until I let her out of her cage. She runs back and forth, rubbing her beak on the bars constantly. CONSTANTLY. And she keeps trying to lift the doors open. She chirps at me a lot too. in the video I've attached you can see what she does. I don't know how to make it STOP. I handle her whenever I'm home, but the second I put her in her cage she freaks out. When I'm home and she's with me, she's constantly on my shoulders. She's hand tame and doesn't mind at all being held, but if I leave her on top of her cage, she'll fly over to me instantly. If the door is open and I leave the room, she glides out of the cage to come and find me.

It is AWFUL. She won't even play with her toys! She won't even stay inside of her cage unless she's eating! I can't live in my own apartment without the bird demanding to come out. PLEASE. SOMEONE tell me what to do, I'm at the END of my rope. It's ridiculous!


09-07-2015, 10:49 AM
There are many lovebird owners who would love to be in your situation!

Simply put. She loves you and considers you to be her mate. Lovebirds are very social and this is a perfect example. What she does when she's in her cage is behavior to get your attention so you will let her come out and be with you.

I have a male Timneh Grey that is the same way. I'm his person, even though he has 2 other grey companions, and velcroed to me will always be his first choice!

09-08-2015, 02:39 AM
But the behavior needs to be stopped. She rubs her beak on the cage so much that there's a little line forming on her beak.. if she keeps it up, she'll make herself bleed! I handle her a LOT, but sometimes (I'm in college) I need a few hours sleep after an all nighter, or I need to do some homework without having to entertain my lovey with some toys.

How do I get her to stop doing this? I must have reinforced it somehow, because she is RELENTLESS. She's done it for around 20 minutes straight at one point.

11-02-2015, 09:18 AM
My lovebird is about 6 months old. She is a single lovebird, and she lives with me and my roommate. If I am home, she does this awful thing until I let her out of her cage. She runs back and forth, rubbing her beak on the bars constantly. CONSTANTLY. And she keeps trying to lift the doors open. She chirps at me a lot too. in the video I've attached you can see what she does. I don't know how to make it STOP. I handle her whenever I'm home, but the second I put her in her cage she freaks out. When I'm home and she's with me, she's constantly on my shoulders. She's hand tame and doesn't mind at all being held, but if I leave her on top of her cage, she'll fly over to me instantly. If the door is open and I leave the room, she glides out of the cage to come and find me.

It is AWFUL. She won't even play with her toys! She won't even stay inside of her cage unless she's eating! I can't live in my own apartment without the bird demanding to come out. PLEASE. SOMEONE tell me what to do, I'm at the END of my rope. It's ridiculous!


Funny how we all want what we can't have. I am so jealous of you that your bird loves you that much. I've owned lovebirds for decades and never experienced that kind of love. I know for you its horrible, but I would give anything for a bird like that. Enjoy is all I can adivse..

11-02-2015, 09:22 AM
But the behavior needs to be stopped. She rubs her beak on the cage so much that there's a little line forming on her beak.. if she keeps it up, she'll make herself bleed! I handle her a LOT, but sometimes (I'm in college) I need a few hours sleep after an all nighter, or I need to do some homework without having to entertain my lovey with some toys.

How do I get her to stop doing this? I must have reinforced it somehow, because she is RELENTLESS. She's done it for around 20 minutes straight at one point.

If you cover the cage will he still do this? Turn the lights low. I'm afraid if you break this he will stop loving you. Ask a vet for suggestions. I wish I could be of more help.

11-02-2015, 09:26 AM
Funny how we all want what we can't have. I am so jealous of you that your bird loves you that much. I've owned lovebirds for decades and never experienced that kind of love. I know for you its horrible, but I would give anything for a bird like that. Enjoy is all I can adivse..
Oh how many times I repeated exactly this phrase!!! Lovebirds are very social and if they are with another lovebird companion (or any feathered companion, for that matter), they will be sitting so close together that you probably would have trouble putting a piece of paper between them!!! This is the nature of this little parrot and it's something I love very much!

11-02-2015, 03:20 PM
Get her a mate, and she will be less dependent on you :) Just make sure it's not another girl, as two girls in one cage is a VERY bad idea.
She will be still affectionate to you, but not this much.

11-02-2015, 03:33 PM
Get her a mate, and she will be less dependent on you :) Just make sure it's not another girl, as two girls in one cage is a VERY bad idea.
She will be still affectionate to you, but not this much.
I've seen the "mate/companion" idea backfire! Some parrots form strong bonds with their human mates and will not accept a feathered friend. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this lovebird sounds like that's what could happen. My male Military Macaw is the same way. I have another Macaw and he hates her!

11-02-2015, 03:36 PM
I've seen the "mate/companion" idea backfire! Some parrots form strong bonds with their human mates and will not accept a feathered friend. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this lovebird sounds like that's what could happen. My male Military Macaw is the same way. I have another Macaw and he hates her!

That is absolutely true for larger parrots! I have heard the same for caiques as well. For lovebirds, I have heard till now of only one lovebird female who was not possible to matchmake with any of the males. She was indeed too much connected with humans, raised by hand, kept alone for some years so no surprise that she didn't want to have anything to do with another lovebird! But this is an absolute exception. For lovebirds, it usually works, provided it's a male/female couple. Nature always wins :)

11-02-2015, 05:54 PM
I am owned by a Velcro bird.... she really don't care for many toys and basically considers ME her toy, lol. She will go in her cage when I do certain things but I think she knows the daily routine and she don't have much choice. I put her in when i'm cooking or cleaning the bathroom etc. As soon as she sees i'm done she goes bananas for me to let her back out. I really believe if I got another lovebird whether male or female she would have nothing to do with him/her. I have put her in front of mirrors and she wants nothing to do with them. She is going to be 3 in January and I've had her since about 4 months old. My daughters have hinted to me about getting her a playmate and I just say no.

11-02-2015, 09:13 PM
She will go in her cage when I do certain things but I think she knows the daily routine and she don't have much choice. I put her in when i'm cooking or cleaning the bathroom etc. As soon as she sees i'm done she goes bananas for me to let her back out.

My three birds do exactly the same thing :rotfl they will seriously start yelling once they hear us sitting down and eating :rotfl

11-03-2015, 01:07 PM
I also have a Velcro lovebird, very needy but I love it! He considers me his mate. As soon as I get home from work I open his cage, he's stuck to me until it's his bed time. He even regurgitates his food & tries to feed me! LOL!
I just love the attention & wouldn't have it any other way.

11-25-2015, 11:35 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am adding to this thread because being I do have such a clingy bird (I love it!), the holidays seem to mess up our normally quiet household. I feel so bad when I have to put her in her cage when company gets here. I have her cage in the main area of the house so she can see what's going on but gives me her "special" tweet tweet that she knows is her clue to me to let her out. I have in the past let her out when the meal is done and we are just sitting around talking. Is it better to put her in another room (she won't be able to see what's going on)? How do you guys deal with the holiday crowds and keeping your birds safe. thanks in advance :)

11-25-2015, 12:40 PM
When I have company, parrots are in their cages, for their safety and the safety of my company. Accidents happen unexpectedly and the results sometimes can't be repaired. I understand that she wants to be with you but it's safety first for her. Perhaps slip her a few special treats during the day and just tell her how much you love her. Be prepared to have a very needy lovebird cuddling up to you like there's no tomorrow once company has gone home!

11-25-2015, 08:47 PM
Late to the thread, but you have such a pretty baby! I love having velcros, but they get needy. I got used to staying in eye shot of the cage and ignoring the pattering/screeching, or having velcro bird on the shoulder doing all my chores and doing homework.

No one has asked yet that I saw... but how big is his cage? Can he stretch his wings out full and not touch anything? Do you have a variety of toys to rotate? How often have you reconfigured perches and food/water dishes? Keeping them busy and entertained is important.

This can be a touchy point.... but have you considered wing clipping? Mine have been cheeky until their wings are clipped and then seem to settle down a bit.

I've almost always only ever had single birds because I love having a velcro so much, but after my son was born I felt guilty not having as much time to lavish attention on my lovie. Now I have 2 boy lovies who are best buds and tolerate us. I miss being able to skritch and kiss. :(

11-26-2015, 11:34 AM
When we have company over, I always keep Max in his cage for his own safety. When strangers approach his cage, he just stares at them....it's quite funny. Although he doesn't bite if you put your finger in the cage, I always tell people to keep there fingers away because he will bite...lol. I don't want them touching my bird...lol

11-26-2015, 06:14 PM
things went pretty well for lacey today... she was in her cage most of the time with company here... she knows most of my kids pretty well so she wasn't scared of anyone.... but of course she needs to be on ME no matter what I am so did have to be in her cage most of the time.... kids have left for the night so she's back out again... and as linda said, be prepared for a very clingy bird when they leave! oh yes she is lol