View Full Version : They are crazy! Is it normal?

10-07-2015, 01:10 AM
Yesterday, in the morning, I caught my birds having, umm... fun time together :rotfl They are almost a year old, so I guess this is a normal thing, but just checking. They also have lots more energy and don't want to hang out with me as much. I have never noticed it before but we had some really warm days and daylight savings has just started (basically the days are longer). I'm not sure if they are boys or girls yet, I'm taking them to the vet soon. They were also I think nesting in their food bowl, should I take it away? They aren't aggressive when I touch it. I just want to be sure that everything they are going through is normal because they are my baby birdies <3 Thank you :)

10-07-2015, 09:15 AM
Yes. This is normal when you have 2 sexually mature lovebirds, even if they happen to be the same gender. :) You rarely will see 2 males engage in any kind of nesting behavior, but a pair of hens is another story. I have quite a few female/female pairs that get along very well until hormones kick in. Once that happens, flip a coin. Some will continue to get along but others need to be separated while hormones are in control or the dominant one is very capable of killing or seriously injuring the less dominant.

DNA sexing is still a very good idea, as then you will know what you have as far as your pair is concerned.

10-08-2015, 05:52 AM
Ok, phew. Thanks for the reply :) I will watch them closely to see if they are aggressive at all, but they get on pretty well apart from the occasional squabble about who has the best perching spot :rotfl I am definitely getting them sexed soon as well. Thanks XD

10-08-2015, 09:26 AM
I'm glad you are having them sexed. :) That way you will be better prepared to deal with whatever happens behaviorally. There have been any number of times where I've guessed the sex of a lovebird incorrectly simply because I've seen females display what is typically "male" behavior, as well as the other way around.