View Full Version : Can't Talk??????

11-05-2005, 03:23 PM
Or just doesn't talk when you are around?

My 2 macaws have been jabbering for about the past hour or so and I think they have emptied their vocabularies of every single word they know! There are quite a few words (all clean) that I didn't realize that they could say! I've been hearing "Get the door!," "Whatcha doing?," "Ouch!," "Wanna go out?," "Come here!," just to name a few. Dao's favorite word is "Hello" and Georgia has about 3 variations of that word!

Just because you've never heard them say a word doesn't mean that they can't! :rofl:

11-05-2005, 03:40 PM
And they never stop amazing me! :)

11-05-2005, 04:02 PM

All of those are "good" words, so they must have picked them up from someone else :lol Just teasing ;)

11-05-2005, 05:37 PM
It's fascinating to hear a bird talk. Leslie's B&G stands real tall, eye pin and he says "Hello". It's the coolest thing cause he's sooooo pretty when he does it. Linda, the quiet ones always fool ya :D

11-05-2005, 06:21 PM
Linda, I am pea green with envy! The only thing missing (IMHO) in a lovie is the talking. I would love to have a talker. :D

11-05-2005, 06:52 PM
Talking birds are nice to have but you have to be careful that they don't pick up anything that you don't want to hear over and over and over and over again!!! (Ginger and her Nextel "beep" are enough to drive a sane person nuts!) Dao and Georgia were talking this afternoon but Harley is my original jabberbeak! He will sit on his cage door and talk endlessly during the week-ends when I'm home. Alex laughs and I hear that non-stop a lot during the evening hours when she goes through "Amazon overload!" Put all of this together at one time and I'm ready to run away from home for a few hours! Seriously, though, I love them all very dearly.... :)

11-05-2005, 06:58 PM
Maybe the next one you get you should name "Chatty Cathy"? :rofl: It amazes me how intelligent they are. They are so human like it's scarey.

11-05-2005, 11:53 PM
Makes you wonder what they say when you're not home. They probably hear your car come home and say, "uh oh, mommy's home, better use the good words or we'll get our beaks washed out with soap!". :rofl:

Ditto probably recites Shakespeare when I'm not home just to spite me. :rofl:

Anyway, even though I know Ditto will probably never utter a word I'm still careful what I say around him. The last thing I need is for the word he decides to say to be one I don't want the little ears of my nieces, who love to come over and play with him, to hear. :eek:

11-06-2005, 06:05 AM
I'm very careful about what I say within earshot of my parrots. I never quite know what I'm going to get back!! :)

11-25-2005, 06:59 PM
Ditto does make mumbling sounds sometimes. I read somewhere that lovebirds speaking voices sound like an 80 year old man who's smoked for 60 years. That's what Ditto sounds like when he mumbles, but I can't make out any words. Just mumbles. Maybe he'll surprise me one day (hopefully not with football or hockey words :eek: ).

11-26-2005, 10:13 AM
Hey Dave;

Sammy makes mubling sounds to me, and it's very sweet to hear. Those are the sounds that I hear the pairs making to each other, and it's conversational lovebirdese. :D The chirping and chattering is all showing off.

11-26-2005, 06:47 PM
Hey Dave;

Sammy makes mubling sounds to me, and it's very sweet to hear. Those are the sounds that I hear the pairs making to each other, and it's conversational lovebirdese. :D The chirping and chattering is all showing off.

Well with Ditto it usually preceeds a toy getting the crap beat out of it. So it's more like, "you rotten toy, you better stop misbehaving or you're gonna get it. Ok don't say I didn't warn you" :lol Probably lovie cuss words. :eek: