View Full Version : A few questions

10-08-2015, 08:47 PM
Hello! I have had my lovebird for about 2 weeks now and things are going great. He's stepping up and seems to be taming up quite well, although still seems pretty paranoid as expected.

Anyway I have a couple questions...I have a parrotlet who eats all day long. Every time I look at her bowl that contains fresh veggies and a little fruit, i see a blue tail sticking up out of it, or she's eating peppers off her kabob. It's so funny. But, my lovebird won't hardly touch the fresh foods I offer, and I only see him munching on the seed/pellet mixture a couple times a day. I also have millet available at all times for him right now but he doesnt eat much of that either. So, is it normal for him to not eat much? And even thought he doesnt eat the fresh stuff much, should I keep offering it, or do they not like it much?

Also, I'm wondering about burning a fireplace. I've been told that people still burn theirs with birds around with no problem. The way we do ours is, we light it, and close it. We don't use it for warmth, but rather as a visual thing. So the doors are closed. I am very very cautious with my birds, so i wouldn't have them out if they could get near it, but I'm more worried about the smell. Does anyone burn a fireplace with birds in the room?

Thanks in advance!!!

10-09-2015, 09:33 AM
I have a parrotlet who eats all day long. Every time I look at her bowl that contains fresh veggies and a little fruit, i see a blue tail sticking up out of it, or she's eating peppers off her kabob. It's so funny. But, my lovebird won't hardly touch the fresh foods I offer, and I only see him munching on the seed/pellet mixture a couple times a day. I also have millet available at all times for him right now but he doesnt eat much of that either. So, is it normal for him to not eat much? And even thought he doesnt eat the fresh stuff much, should I keep offering it, or do they not like it much?
I think the biggest problem with what your lovebird will or will not eat is what he's perceiving as "edible." You've only had him a couple of weeks and it's highly possible the place of purchase never offered much of anything other than what you see him eating now. Patience and persistence may get him to like different kinds of food. Keep offering and change up how you serve the veggies. Mine LOVE carrots that are shredded in strings. It's edible and it can be twirled as an edible play toy. Carrots in sliced rounds or squares will be ignored in my aviary. :) Many lovebirds just don't like fruit so they won't eat it.

My own lovebirds aren't eating all day long, just in spurts. They eat until they aren't hungry and then it's off to do something else. Parrotlets, on the other hand, are the smallest members of the Amazon family and I can tell you from experience that Amazons are very good driven. Alex, my BFA, will eat all day long as long as she finds food she likes!

I've been told that people still burn theirs with birds around with no problem. The way we do ours is, we light it, and close it. We don't use it for warmth, but rather as a visual thing. So the doors are closed. I am very very cautious with my birds, so i wouldn't have them out if they could get near it, but I'm more worried about the smell. Does anyone burn a fireplace with birds in the room?
If the doors are closed and the flue is clean, the smoke will go up the chimney. Trick is keeping the flue clean. Be careful what kind of wood you burn. Cedar is toxic to birds that I can think of right off hand. Like your family, I like the visual thing and my husband bought me one of the electric fireplaces. Living in Florida, I think I've only used it a couple of times for heat but it sure is cozy to look at!

10-12-2015, 01:36 PM
Another thought just occurred to me regarding the difference in eating habits between your lovebird and your parrotlet. Parrotlets are the smallest of all parrots and need more food to keep body energy high enough to support their daily activity. They burn up food much quicker than larger parrots. :)