View Full Version : Max escaped!

11-03-2015, 01:13 PM
I can't believe what just happened!

I've had a really busy day and have only let Max out of his cage for a couple of hours this morning. Not the usual freedom that he normally gets and he was getting really ticked off at me for keeping him locked up in his cage.

I went out and he was left alone in the house, in his cage. Got home about an hour later, opened the front door wide open to bring in my dad who's had a hip replacement and walks VERY slow. Walked in and heard Max's chirp greeting us as he always does when we walk in. But it wasn't his normal 'welcome home' chirp. It was a more relaxed, chilled chirp. I walked in the kitchen to find him OUT OF HIS CAGE walking on the kitchen table just hanging out! I looked to the cage and he had lifted and jammed the slider door up! He opened the door on his own and let himself out! :omg:

If he had come to greet us at the door, he would have flown out the door!! :omg::omg:

I had put twist ties on the smaller two slider doors but I didn't think he would be able to lift open the bigger one.

I'm in shock! I guess he got so frustrated being in the cage, he decided to escape!

They're soooo smart, it's unreal!

11-03-2015, 02:03 PM
Lovebirds are smart! No doubt about that!!!! :omg:

I have a parrotlet that can lift the food/water dish doors and she lets herself out if I remove the dishes for cleaning/giving fresh food! Callie only weighs 28 grams but her strength is incredible! My lovebirds are just as bad. I have belt loop clips on most of my cage doors and the ones I normally don't open are zip tied permanently! With Ginger, my CAG, I have to use a double belt loop clip. If I don't attach the clip in 2 places, she opens it and she's out and about!

When it comes to parrots, expect the unexpected!!!

11-03-2015, 03:46 PM
Incredible! :)

11-03-2015, 04:17 PM
Thank goodness it's not summer and all windows were closed!! :omg:

11-03-2015, 05:09 PM
Ditto can open those sliding doors like a pro. That's one reason he has the cage he does (the other is that it's huge).

I used to use the clips that hang his toys to keep them closed (the ones that are like a metal C with a piece that screws it closed). He figured out how to open them too so I had to constantly tighten them.

The cage he's in now has latches on the outside that he can't open.

11-03-2015, 06:52 PM
Ditto can open those sliding doors like a pro. That's one reason he has the cage he does (the other is that it's huge).

I used to use the clips that hang his toys to keep them closed (the ones that are like a metal C with a piece that screws it closed). He figured out how to open them too so I had to constantly tighten them.

The cage he's in now has latches on the outside that he can't open.

Are you serious!? That's amazing!

I always knew lovebirds were smart, but these little guys are just too much! I'm falling more and more in love with Max everyday :)

11-03-2015, 06:55 PM
Are you serious!? That's amazing!

I always knew lovebirds were smart, but these little guys are just too much! I'm falling more and more in love with Max everyday :)

Yep, not matter how tight I made the clips, he would eventually work them loose. that little beak is stronger than it looks!

11-03-2015, 10:53 PM
Thank God he is safe so many things could've happened. I legit lol'd afterreading this. I can picture him just chilling on the table waiting for mom to get home😂

11-04-2015, 07:22 PM
Thank God he is safe so many things could've happened. I legit lol'd afterreading this. I can picture him just chilling on the table waiting for mom to get home��

I know! Thank God I make it a habit to always close the lids on the toilets...I never used to before I got Max. The thought of something happening to him terrifies me. We adore him and can't even imagine our life without him :(. You're right..so many things could have happened! He could have easily flown right out the front door when my dad was coming in...door was wide open for a good five minutes! :omg:

As for him chilling ...it was priceless. I keep thinking of the movie 'Home Alone' when I think of him alone in the house...lol

11-09-2015, 11:51 AM
Haha omg! How clever! At least he was safe! I must admit that's my worst fear, coming home to find Cosmo and Krypton out their cages. So what clips do people use to stop the slide doors? They're so clever, they know how to slide them up, I'm just waiting for the day they escape, too!