11-30-2015, 10:18 AM
I've have my lovebirds, Max and Emma, for almost 2 years now. In the last month I have noticed Emma basically terrorizing Max. They are a mated pair, and have successfully bred and hatched 2 off spring(from 2 different clutches,) who unfortunately did not survive shortly after hatching. Max and Emma have always been wonderful to each other, and even got along well with me. I got Max out of the cage last night because I could see Emma attacking him again. The feathers on Max's back between his wings are almost completely plucked out. I have separated them into different cages but kept them hanging right beside each other. This solves he problem Emma attacking, but both birds sit as close as they can to each other from their separate cages, and seem to be longing for each other. Hopefully someone can provide with some advice, as I'd love to be able to place them together again, but am concerned for Max's safety.