View Full Version : Help with a game plan...biting Lovebird

12-29-2015, 02:52 PM
Okay, I'm new to this forum and desperately need some help basically "re-taming" my Lovebird (Tweety). My family and I bought Tweety from a breeder about 12 years ago as a baby. She was handfed and very friendly. As both of us grew up I became "her person" so to speak. I was the only person who could hold her or anything without her EVER biting me. She's always loved to shred paper and stuff her tail feathers (which she does way less now) and about 3 or 4 years ago she laid a few eggs. Also around the time that she laid the eggs I went off to college and couldn't take her with me. My mom has been caring for her for te last few years, but obviously she hasn't been handled much at all in that time frame. Last time I tried to get her out of her cage she bit me (which I don't blame her at all!). Now, she's back in my own home and I'd love to be able to get her out and handle her, but as soon as I get near the cage she jumps on the opening and tries to bite me through th bars so I KNOW she's going to get my hand agaub when I try to ask her to step up...

Anyway, I need a game plan if there's any hope at all of getting her tame again. I'm just not sure how to approach the situation because birds are obviously very different from dogs and other pets with how they learn. And a lot of her new-found biting is due to me leaving for so long. She is not a fearful bird at all and never has been. She just moved to the new house with me about a week ago and she got new perches and toys. I can get her into her smaller cage by opening the smaller one up against the opening of the larger one (I used to be able to pick her up and place her inside the smaller one). She doesn't like any other foods beside the seed mix and millet she's been fed since we've owned her. She has never seemed ill or plucked out any feathers either. I think that's the bulk of everything about her! I just want to be able to handle her again so she's happier and not so angry all the time (she squaks way more now then she ever used to...at the other house and the new one)! I hope someone here can help me out :) Thanks!

12-29-2015, 03:28 PM
To reform your relationship with her will take time, patience and lots of attention! She bites your hand now because she's cage territorial. That happened when you were at college and will probably modify as you re-establish your relationship with her. Instead of offering your hand to step up, try a perch. Once she is out, move to a place where her cage cannot be seen and work with her there.

Good luck and let us know what happens. :)

12-29-2015, 08:30 PM
To reform your relationship with her will take time, patience and lots of attention! She bites your hand now because she's cage territorial. That happened when you were at college and will probably modify as you re-establish your relationship with her. Instead of offering your hand to step up, try a perch. Once she is out, move to a place where her cage cannot be seen and work with her there.

Good luck and let us know what happens. :)

Thank you!! Earlier today I fed her millet through the cage and just talked to her like I used to. Then tonight when I got home I decided to try and touch her since she didn't jump at the door or squak when I came in and it was a SUCCESS! She stepped up and acted completely normal! So hopefully we're on a quick road to improvement :)

12-30-2015, 10:25 AM
That's wonderful! Parrots are Very smart and lovebirds are no exception! She may have been a bit miffed because your lack of presence made her feel you abandoned her even though you know you didn't. 28th parrots, visual is a big deal.

Hopefully, she's coming around and you have your buddy back!:)