View Full Version : Sunday afternoon birdy bath observations

Buy A Paper Doll
11-06-2005, 01:10 PM
Milo is about as graceful as a hippo when he takes a bath. He belly flops right into the middle of the bowl, splashes around, climbs on the rim of the bowl, and does it again. Miss Melly, on the other hand, is very dainty in the bath. Like any good lovebird, she does her best to keep her little feeties from getting wet. The only time I've ever seen her really get into it, not only did she empty the bath bowl with all the splashing, she rolled in the puddles on the counter.

I thought a Pyrex pie plate would be a perfect bath bowl. It's shallow and has a nice rim around the edge for them to perch on. Nope. They were not interested. They want THEIR bath bowl, the too small glass salad bowl that nearly tips over while they're perched on it. *sigh.

11-06-2005, 01:22 PM

Sounds about right to me Jennifer. I tried every dish imagineable, even went out bought them a very pretty quiche dish, which I thought was perfect. They prefer their SS water dish, so I just bought a bigger one :wink:

11-06-2005, 02:05 PM
My eight all like to bath at exactly the same time. No one wants to wait their turn, so I need a bowl big enough to accommodate all of them sitting around the rim at once. That is to say they must sit around the rim and be far enough away from each other so no one gets splashed by anyone else and all toes are out of reach of the neighboring birdie.

They bathe in a shallow roasting pan, and I mean one that fits about a 85 pound turkey. Heck, I could bathe in there with them, if they would let me.

11-06-2005, 02:50 PM
Too cute Jennifer! Piper is my belly flopper bather :lol Daisy takes her sweet little time and Molly keeps an eye out for Daisy & Piper. All of mine like to bathe in my hands under the water filter spray attached to the kitchen faucet. Daisy is usually the first to start and Piper follows. Molly bathes ONLY if the other two are nowhere in the room. As soon as Daisy is through bathing, she wants to go back to her cage and sit on her boing so she can preen and rub her head. Leslie got the chance to see Molly bath in his water dish yesterday. He was amazed cause his macaw doesn't like to bathe. Said he wants my three to come over to his house to show his bird how to bathe :lol

11-06-2005, 04:12 PM
Cookie is taking a bath in his pyrex bowel and I'm getting all wet as I read this :D. He's funny but gets tormented by the lovebirds when he is in the water. He's had to fly back and forth a couple of times to get wet enough :rolleyes: .