View Full Version : Biting

01-13-2016, 02:04 PM
My young bird seems happy to be with us outside of her cage for about ten minutes once we finally get her out of her cage. But getting her out is a pain because she bites so hard. She didn't do this when we first got her. She just got worse and worse as the days went on. How do I train her not to bite when trying to coax her onto our fingers?

01-14-2016, 08:22 AM
Think about what you are actually doing when you go to take her out of her cage. Her cage is her home and if she's truly a female, you are an intruder into HER home. On top of that, many parrots just don't like human hands. Some will eventually accept hands, while others never will. You simply have to respect their preferences. :)

So how do you get her out of her cage and still keep your fingers intact and undamaged? Instead of your fingers, try offering a perch for her to step up onto. Use the "step up" command so that she knows what you expect. Same thing when you put her back. Use the up command each time. I do that with some of my larger parrots and when I take them to their cages, they tell me "step up"! :lol

01-28-2016, 05:43 PM
OK so now it's become not just an in cage thing. Now she does it even when she's content and happy with us outside of her cage. Like for the heck of it! And I can't do the thing I've read others say to do. ....let her bite and lift her up with get beak. She bites way to hard for that.