View Full Version : new lovies and I am new to birdcare

01-15-2016, 05:16 PM
Hello! :)

Last week my wonderful boyfriend gifted me with a pair of lovebirds. Their names are Bop and Lula. They are young, however I do not know how young. Although he got them from a store that specializes (they say) in bird care, I do not think mine were handled much.

They do not get all stressed when I put my hand into the cage now. I read to them in the morning and at night. They seem to love it...eyes closing..sometimes even grinding the beaks. When I come home from work (between 8-9:30pm), they don't jolt at it now and seem to take that more in stride.

I have yet to try to touch them. I would just place my hand in the cage before but stopped because I read that they can have territorial issues and do not want to hinder anything. I want to do all I can do to work with bonding with them...so I figure slower is better...(but maybe too slow is not?!)

Anyway...any words of wisdom would be awesome and greatly appreciated in general taming and care.

Thank you SO much!! :)