View Full Version : I have a variety of health and socialization questions!

01-18-2016, 12:25 PM
*Finally... hooray!

I have been dying to post on this forum! I have a baby lovie and I have a bunch of questions!

First off he was weened too early (7weeks) he is about 10 weeks now and seems to eat millet just fine.( regular normal poops too!) I bought Harrisons birdy bread and the super fine high potency. I don't think he's eating much of it but I mix in some seed. We just made the birdy bread and he doesn't seem to want to eat it either. Help?

Next I live in kansas. It's freeing cold here! I want to take my lovie to work and back with me so I have devised a carrying case out of a small animal fabric carrier I put in a slide out tray with perch and made a flannel cover with 6 layers of flannel wrapped tightly around it. I'm scared to use it! It wouls be drom housw to car and car to work. Advice?

Also he does everything with me. He. Is very handle able and loves to clime around in my sweater. He does this things where he beeps repeatedly? I can turn him on his back and he doesn't bite and he tries to get off me only to poop. What other things can I be trying with him? I own my business and he is always with me. I also have many other people handle him and he is friendly. He is also not playing with toys. Please help me raise a loving well rounded bird who likes different foods!

Thank you,

Jellybeans momma

01-18-2016, 12:39 PM
Congratulations on you new baby lovebird and shame on the place of purchase that sold him when he wasn't completely weaned. This happens more than you might think and youngsters have been known to starve because they can't eat enough on their own to keep themselves alive! Millet is always a good thing because it's easy to digest, easy to eat and, contrary to popular belief, it does contain nutrition!

Your little one is hesitant to eat different food because he doesn't recognize it as edible. At age 10 weeks, warm birdie bread might be more appealing. I make home made cornbread and my guys LOVE it warm! Lovebirds are native to Africa and need a diet higher in fat than parrots from different locations on the globe. Pellets are low fat so I would use considerable few pellets (20% max) and add more seed, sunflower or safflower seed included. Try warm shredded carrots, warm sweet potato and other veggies. Lovebirds are very social and, as I'm sure you're seeing, if you have it, he wants it! That includes food. If you are eating something you want to eat, at his age, he will want his fair share, and maybe a bit more than that!

To transport in cold weather, padding for protection is good but air activated hand warmers provide a heat source. I would put a couple on one end of your container, under a thin wash cloth, so he can get as close as he wants. Keep in mind that when you are traveling with him, anything can happen in cold inclement weather. Make sure you have a back up plan to keep him warm should anything happen where you lose heat in your vehicle. Hand warmers are wonderful things!

Anytime you are out of your home (and even when you are at home), be aware of exits from the building to the outside. You may want to keep flight feathers clipped as protection from accidental escapes. Lovebirds are temperature tolerant (if acclimated) up to about 55F. After that, temperature will take its toll.

Hope this is helpful.

01-18-2016, 05:56 PM
Thank you so much for your response! He came with his wings clipped but I still watch him like a hawk!

He is not interested in my food or any toys yet.... is that normal for his age?

Can I handle him too much? He is always on me. I only put him down so he can get a drink and eat something ( this inclydes at work)What are fun things I can try with him? Do they like water like big parrots? He's becoming a good ball very quickly.

01-19-2016, 08:23 AM
At age 10 weeks, he's still very much a baby and my be reluctant to try food that he isn't sure is edible. He recognizes what he eats and he should eventually branch out to other things. :)

Again, at age 10 weeks, he's a baby and the closeness to you is exactly what he needs. If he were still with the breeder or place of purchase, he would have other lovebird companions. With that missing, you take their place and become is companion. As he gets older, he should feel comfortable exploring and being away from you, as long as you are visually within his sight. If he happens to be in his cage and you walk out of the room, he will call to see that you are OK. Answer back so that he knows you are there. Contact calls is how birds in the wild communicate.

Lovebirds are parrots, just in a compact form! Oh yes. Most LOVE water! In the mindset of a lovebird, a water dish has 2 functions and they are in this order: bathing, then drinking! No sooner do I give out fresh water when I have a lot of very wet birdies waiting for food! :lol

01-19-2016, 08:49 AM
That must be what his beeps are! He is starting to get his big boy feathers just above his beak... he seems alert and sassy so far!

Thank you so much for the advice! I love my jellybean and just want to make sure he live a long happy healthy life!

01-19-2016, 09:20 AM
He is starting to get his big boy feathers just above his beak...
If that's the case, someone wasn't honest with you about his age when you got him! The first molt begins at age 16 weeks/4months. He's older than you thought he is. However, he's still a juvenile and needs all the TLC you can give him. When you got him, he may have been just weaned and the move caused him to backslide a bit.

We'd love to see some photos of him if you could upload pictures to on online storage site and post the URL here. :)