View Full Version : Lacey's past couple years

01-29-2016, 08:29 AM
I have been reading posts over the last couple years since I've joined the lovebird community... I have been amazed by all the ways lovebirds interact with their human slaves :) so I have decided to write down some of the things I've noticed in lacey since I got her at about 4 months old. First.. it took her about 4 months before she totally trusted us (its just me and my hubby that live in our apt) and after that point I saw many changes in her.
She didn't seem to interested in our food back then, now she won't stay off my plate! she don't always like or taste what's on it but the curiosity is the same... plain pasta and plain rice is good (no sticky stuff on it plz) and chicken and sometimes potatoes (not a big fan yet)., loves raw carrots, plain popcorn (goes nuts for this stuff!, hears the air popper and I cant keep her out of the kitchen). still isn't really a fan of fruit except watermelon and apples. Broccoli is hit and miss, some days she'll eat it other days she'll pass on it.

I think the biggest thing that amazes me is she knows every noise I make!! She can be still covered in her room and she knows my cough, sneeze or whisper. My hubby can sneeze or cough while she's in her room covered yet and not a peep, I do it and she knows i'm awake for the day and wants to be uncovered. I can't even sneak past her room and she knows my footsteps! lol I'm pretty sure this is all normal for these lovies, my hubby comments on how different she is with me compared to how she is with him. She does really good with him but he can tell she is totally bonded to me :)

I am still having issues with her taking a bath... she absolutely loves the sound of running water, from the kitchen faucet to the bathroom faucet and then there's the shower. Will NOT in any manner get in that water! I was in the tub last week and for the first time she got brave enough to land on my shoulder, I freaked because I wasn't sure she'd slip off and fall in. Do u think something scared her before I got her to cause her to avoid water?

Lacey turned 3 about mid January and still no eggs.. Yay! Her biting is a bit of a challenge this month and i'm wondering if it has to do with the weather, it's been so cloudy and gloomy around here. I think it's affecting my mood so it doesn't surprise me if it affects hers too. Have a good day everyone!

01-29-2016, 08:55 AM
Lovebirds are naturally curious and seems like Lacey is no exception! Some lovebirds just don't like water, although they are far and few between! Mine view fresh water as bathing first, drinking second! Since Lacey landed on your shoulder, she may have an interest. Hard to say why she doesn't like bathing.

Lovebirds are VERY smart! My whole flock can tell the sound of my car when I'm about 2 houses away from home. The minute I park in the driveway, they all go nuts! :lol

01-29-2016, 09:27 AM
lol that's funny.. 2 houses away? both lacey and mollie (beagle) know that when the buzzer in the apartment buzzes it means COMPANY! lol my daughter brings her Doberman to visit on occasion and I have to keep lacey in her cage. Lacey has NO fear of him and of course the fact that she can fly makes the dog go into chase mode lol.

01-29-2016, 02:36 PM
Chase mode is why I have to be very selective about dogs I can have live with me. Dani, my current Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix is small and my larger parrots stand just about the same height that she does. Harley nipped her on the nose the one time she go too close and Dani got the message VERY quickly. If the birds are out and about, Dani seeks refuge in her crate!!! She had a rooster jump on her back because she got to close to one of the hens so chickens rule and Dani respects that! :lol

01-29-2016, 03:47 PM
omg! lol. Mollie (beagle) has that same respect with cleo (blue and gold macaw). Cleo never bit her hard but always likes to go for the tail or the ear and i'm guessing the ears cuz their floppy lol. Mollie still has repect for lacey's beak even tho she hasn't got a good bite from her. Lacey sees her as a play thing and tries to "preen" her fur but Mollie won't have anything to do with that. She gives me the "mom get that thing away from me" look :)

01-29-2016, 04:29 PM
Lovebirds are naturally curious and seems like Lacey is no exception! Some lovebirds just don't like water, although they are far and few between! Mine view fresh water as bathing first, drinking second! Since Lacey landed on your shoulder, she may have an interest. Hard to say why she doesn't like bathing.

Lovebirds are VERY smart! My whole flock can tell the sound of my car when I'm about 2 houses away from home. The minute I park in the driveway, they all go nuts! :lol

Ditto knows what my cars sound like too. Any car can go down the street and he doesn't care. Once when he was a little over a year old and his former owner was here, I was talking to her on the phone on my way home. As soon as I turned the corner onto my street (2 houses down) I heard him start going off. She said I know where you are, he does this every day when you're car turns onto the street! :happy:

He can also hear me walking to the house when I come home from visiting my parents, they live around the corner so I walk there. No matter how quietly I try to walk up to the house he knows it's me and starts chirping.

02-01-2016, 08:25 AM
Mollie used to know the sound of our car. She knew when hubby got home from work. We have moved to an apt that we live on 3rd floor now. Neither of the girls can hear the car pull in (that I know of). Also we got a new car last sept and neither of them have been in it yet. It blows my mind how these lovebirds can hear so well! I can call for lacey and she will usually peep to answer me to where she is... not so much for my hubby. lol She is starting to know the outer door that's at the end of the hallway. It squeaks really bad when u open it, she seems to know about the time he gets home (around 3:20) and knows if the door squeaks its him. Not sure what she'll do if I go and w-d-40 that door, it drives me nuts! lol

02-01-2016, 10:26 AM
Avian intelligence tends to be underestimated, with me being guilty at times! My greys keep me on my toes and I swear the are giving free lessons to anyone willing to learn!!!!!!!

Alex, my BFA, has a new trick she's been doing with me for about 3 weeks. She's fully flighted and she's an expert flyer! If she wants to visit, she will fly from completely across the room where the other parrots are (about 33') and she can expertly land on my extended hand with no faltering whosoever! The first time, I wasn't paying attention and she landed on my shoulder. :)

02-01-2016, 03:06 PM
love the amazons! love their ability to sing opera lol ... do you have any lovebirds that talk? I thought I could try it with lacey but she looks at me like i'm out of my mind. I have taught her to "shake" in the last 2 weeks... I think she has the concept now as long as I don't grab her foot and just let her grab my pinky finger :)

02-01-2016, 03:13 PM
Lovebirds have the ability to talk but most don't. I've had one or two in the past but speech isn't clear like you hear in the larger parrots. Alex can talk, when she wants to! My best talker is my male Congo Grey, Sonny. You never know what to expect from him. If my macaws scream, he will tell them "Shut up!" in a very male sounding voice. :lol

02-01-2016, 03:37 PM
kinda reminds of of cleo (blue and gold).... I was doing some cleaning in the room next to the room she was in and she was screaming and yelling for no apparent reason (to me anyway) and I finally told her to knock it off and be quiet. well....she did be quiet for about 10 seconds then said plain as day..... "is that better??" I almost fell over lol