View Full Version : We brought Dusty home. Im not hopeful

02-04-2016, 12:27 PM
Brought Dusty home today and its awfully sad. This bird who was the livliest of the bunch--the most playful, the most energetic--is just sitting at the bottom of his cage--eyes opening and closing.

He perked up a bit when he got in his own cage and tried to climb to his hut / but couldnt make his body do what he wanted. His wings hung down. I helped him up and then put 2 shelves under him in case he wanted to get out so he didnt fall to the ground.

No sign of an interest in food. He somehow got down when I wasnt looking but just sits there. I put a hut on the ground then and moved the food there but so far no eating.

I really dont think he's going to make it.

The vet did say they werent 100% sure it was the metal but since they saw that they would try that remedy. I guess it'll take 3 or 4 days of injections before we can expect any improvement.

My dilema--if he doesnt eat, the pet ER said I should bring him back and they'd keep him and force feed him and keep him longer in the hospital there.. Is this what I want for my littlest lovebird? I just dont know. I do know the stress has made my back spasm (weak smile.) $90 the 12 hour shift in ER isnt making my stress any better.


02-04-2016, 12:54 PM
Sorry to hear this, Ellen
Did you request a gram stain to check for infection? Did they give you any specific instructions on how to house him? I think he at least needs extra heat to help maintain body temperature so he doesn't have to work so hard to keep himself warm. Temperature around him should be between 90F - 92F, and that's where HE is. If he's not eating, you can try hand feeding, formula temperature at 106F. Just place the syringe where his upper and lower mandibles meet and gently squeeze the food drop at a time.

They are not sure if the metal is the problem and if that's the case, they should have ruled out an infection. My avian vet can do a gram stain if I bring in a feces sample on a piece of wax paper or even a paper towel. If this test (non-invasive and doesn't require a blood sample) hasn't been done, I would be pushing for it very hard.

02-04-2016, 01:32 PM
Linda I could take a feces to our own vet except he hasnt pooped at all yet. His injection is calcium with EDYA I think the letters were. Is that an antibiotic?

How often do these little guys recover from this?


02-04-2016, 02:00 PM
Calcium EDTA is not an antibiotic. It's used to chelate zinc/toxic metal products so that they can be expelled from the bird's system. Cupramine is very often used in conjunction with Calcium EDTA to encourage the bonding of the particles.

Recovery prognosis is usually pretty good, as long as that's the problem.

02-04-2016, 07:42 PM
I'll say a little prayer for Dusty....poor little guy :(

It's so heartbreaking when I read posts about our little angels feeling sick :(