View Full Version : I'm stuck

02-06-2016, 12:18 AM
For about 5 months, I just feel stuck. I don't know what to do to progress and they still really don't like me that much. They only know step up (when they feel like it) and they will only stay for about 5 seconds. They won't come at all if I don't have food. I know I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what! They are still so skittish and whenever I let them out they just fly to the curtain rod. I'm hopefully clipping their wings in 2 days, so I'm really hoping that it makes a difference. Can someone please help me, I'm really not sure what to do with them :confused::confused::confused:
Thanks! <3

02-06-2016, 07:12 AM
Don't get discouraged. I think because they have each other they'll take a little longer to form a bond with you. I only have Max and when I first brought him home, he would freak out if I put my hand in the cage to change his food and water. It took a few weeks before he finally trusted me enough to eat off my hand.

Before you clip their wings (which I'm not a fan of), why don't you try bringing them into a smaller room, like a washroom or small bedroom. This way they'll land on you and stay with you longer. They'll see you mean them no harm and maybe come to trust you more.

Be patient! Keep showing them love and kindness and one day it'll just happen :)

02-06-2016, 03:44 PM
Our pair sounds very similar to yours.
I think firstly you have to be realistic about what you can achieve with untame adult birds. They will never be doing tricks and it's very unlikely they will ever allow you to stroke them.

Our birds will sit on our shoulders, nibble our ears for treats and play with our hair. When we leave the room they call to us, we are clearly part of their mental flock but we are not their mate and they will never be bonded to us like the birds you see on YouTube. They lead happy lives and we all enjoy our interactions.

keep going with offering treats: I have found small seeds are more useful here as it requires them to get close. Try leaving them to fly around, after a while our two will usually fly down to see what I am doing and whether what I am playing with is interesting, edible or food. Somewhat like a cat if you ignore them they often seem to want to come over!

02-06-2016, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the replies!

They are already let out only in one room and they come sit on me sometimes, and they aren't afraid of me. I still want to try and clip their wings, but I might not. I'm pretty sure it's also close to their moult so it won't be for long.

And idiotwind your birds do sound exactly like mine! I guess I was kinda expecting them to be super cuddly and friendly, but it doesn't seem like they ever will be, so I respect that :) as long as they are happy, I'm happy!

03-01-2016, 03:49 AM
Just thought I'd update on this topic, because I'm so so so happy with the relationship with my birdies <3

In the end I decided not to clip their wings and I'm really glad I made that decision, because I know they would have been so unhappy without the freedom of flight.
I just followed the advice, gave them nothing but love (and seeds! :happy::happy: )They come down and visit when they want to, and if they don't feel like hanging out, I respect that. I feel so much closer to them and they trust me now! When I make kissy noises they whistle back and my heart just melts :blush: Thanks so much for the replies, I can't tell you how much it's helped me <3 <3

03-01-2016, 08:18 AM
Thank you so very much for this wonderful update!! A trust relationship is very rewarding for all concerned and sometimes what we find may not be what we originally expected. The object of the game is to find that sweet spot where you are happy with your relationship with them and they trust that you will not hurt them. There are behaviorists who will disagree with my statement but that's the way I've always worked it with my own parrots. They are happy and I am happy. It's win-win all the way around. I agree that parrots have wings and flying is what they love to do. In captivity, we have to be concerned about their safety and if both factors can be achieved, that's another win-win!! :):):):):):)

03-02-2016, 07:09 PM
Great news! So happy for you 😊

Pips mom
03-25-2016, 12:06 PM
Thats great! but know that clipping wings isn't meant to take away flight. I hate that people think that's what its for. You can clip just a bit just to slow them down a little and it still makes a big difference. Clipping wings should never be to take away flight, at least not in my book! I have kept Pip clipped for years to keep him outta trouble! It was much needed, believe me! but you can clip them just to make flight a bit harder, which in turn will keep them from flying as often or as far, but the can still fly! I am a fan of clipping......but know that each bird is SO different, and for some clipping may not be the right choice. I have found that with mischievous lil lovies though, that's it's usually needed at some point!!! :rolleyes: Also clipping a few flights to slow them down will strengthen them wing muscles!!! a good birdie workout!!