View Full Version : Help with lovebird nesting behavior!

05-06-2016, 06:24 PM
I have a single lovebird who lays eggs every year, usually two clutches, and they used to be only 2-4 eggs but she just laid a round of 6. In her previous clutches she would rarely pay attention to the eggs, but this time she is laying on them and has been for the past week or so.

I can tell she's tired from all of her nesting activity, she has pulled out a few of her feathers to add to her nest, and she is spending all of her time either laying on the eggs, eating, or finding nesting materials. I understand that this is probably normal from what I've read about egg laying in lovebirds, but I'm a little concerned just because I'm not used to her doing this.

My questions are: how long do I let her continue this behavior? Do I wait until she's done and, if so, how long does that usually take? Are there efforts I should be making right now to discourage this behavior? And is there anything I should be doing besides giving her calcium (I've been doing that consistently) to help keep her health up while she's obsessing over her nest?