View Full Version : Favorite BIGGER parrots?

Crystal Taylor
11-07-2005, 02:53 PM
Hi Everyone;

I love my lovies and I will always have them. But I have often been tempted by Macaws (blue and gold and the yellow collared and hyancith in particular) Cockatoos, African Greys... pretty much everything.

My question to all of you is, besides lovies, what are your favorite BIGGER birdies? I'd like to know why in particular as well.

In case you're curious I am doing research before I cave to the darkside when I buy my first home this spring/summer and have lots of parrot space to fill.

Thanks in advance


11-07-2005, 03:13 PM
Sometime in the future I would LOVE to have a Caique. They are very clownish, playful, stocky little birds. My brother has a B&G and the breeder he bought Boscoe from has a Caique. I fell in love the moment I saw him. It was sooooo much fun to go visit and I didn't want to leave. Now, I can't decide if I want a White-bellied or Black Cap, but I do want one. My lovies are playful, but nothing like these little guys. They hop, not fly and are a hoot to watch. They play with you or entertain themselves. As long as they have toys they are happy. :2cents:

11-07-2005, 03:14 PM
I'm the same boat as you Crystal. I was going to post a similar topic since I have been considering adding a larger Parrot to my flock (1 male lovie)

I was curious to hear from anyone if they have experience on which larger parrots their lovebirds seem to get along better with. My wife and I saw the most adorable and effectionate grey this weekend. Even at the petstore he was very cuddly and just wanted to be held and petted. We both looked at each other and said how Rico would not appreciate us having a big baby bird in the house that took away from the attention we give him. Definatley, something we need to ponder.

11-07-2005, 03:23 PM
It would probably be easier for me to say which one is less favorable for me. I am a fiend when it comes to parrots now...just to think I used to get creeped out by birds because of their little feet. :rofl:
Unlike lovies, the bigger parrots have a much longer lifespan and whatever your choice, have the possibility of out living you, so that's something you have to take into account.
We currently own two larger parrots, but they aren't big in the scheme of the parrot world. We have a Senegal and a Gold Capped Conure. Both are fantastic guys, but not overly large. The Senegal can be quite a handful and that beak is quite strong. I love his personality in particular and he's very intelligent. I knew African Greys (another favorite) were intelligent, but had no idea how smart a Senegal could be. He's beginning to take different words and phrases he knows and make different phrases.
My biggest advice to you would be to find someone near to you that has larger parrots and spend sometime with them. see what their behaviors and personalities are like.

11-07-2005, 03:31 PM
I love my eclectus. Wouldn't trade my beautiful green guy for anything in the world. Relatively quiet, relatively self-sufficient, affectionate in his own way, talkative, and easy to feed (he eats everything). Every bird is different, but my eclectus group is devoted to these birds, even those with other parrots. I love my lovebirds for all the entertainment they provide me, but my ekkie has the real hold on my life.

11-07-2005, 03:32 PM
Each species of larger parrot is different and unique. Some are easy to care for, while others have specific needs that must be met or you will have either a behavior problem, a health problem or both.

For me, Cockatoos are completely out of the question. They are very needy (social) and very intelligent (creatively destructive). My personal belief is that they should not be pets. Eclectus are nice birds but they have special dietary needs that must be taken into consideration.

I've lived with a B&G Macaw and I love them! They are entertainers but will also entertain themselves! I have 2 Military Macaws and I would not part with them for anything in the world. They are loud, messy and destructive (perpetual 2 yr old) but they are part of my flock. End of story...... I also have 2 African Greys and they are among my favorites. Very intelligent but can also be messy and destructive. Ginger (CAG) seems to think that as soon as I replace the baseboard in my dining room that it's open chewing season for her. Never mind her toys........ Another flock member is Alex, my BFA. As far as care, she is the easiest one to understand. Amazons are very straight forward. When Alex wants something, there's no guesswork. Her body language is very clear. Which is my very favorite? Flip a coin.... :)

11-07-2005, 03:42 PM
I have so many "second" favorites but my definite favorite larger parrot would be an African Grey. TAG or CAG. I've read so many positive things about them and they talkers which I'd love to have. Ain't gonna happen but that is my "wish" bird! :D

Crystal Taylor
11-07-2005, 03:52 PM

Part of the reason I am asking is because there is a couple in West Palm Beach that has a bunch of larger birds (B&G, Cockatoo,CAG, and I'm not sure what else) but they are too old to take care of them and want to give them to loving homes with experienced bird owners. My name came up as a possible recipient through a lady who works at the store where I bought my Jardine and my lovie that just passed away. I am always in there and I guess she likes me so... we'll see. If I am selected as a recipient I want to know enough to know what to tell them I can handle. I need a relatively quiet bird for my roomates peace of mind as well as my neighbors as I'm in an apartment. These are older birds (I think between 20 and 40 years old) so chances are I might outlive them (I'm 21).


Crystal Taylor
11-07-2005, 03:54 PM
[QUOTE=jknezek]I love my eclectus. Wouldn't trade my beautiful green guy for anything in the world. Relatively quiet...QUOTE]

Quiet? Really. The ones I have known in the store have been very beaky and noisy though they were handfed.

11-07-2005, 03:58 PM
Hey Crystal. I live down in Boca Raton. If you want to come visit an ekkie let me know. i also live in an apartment. All birds have their moments and every one is different, but on a whole, my 3 lovebirds are a lot louder than my ekkie. But there are great qualities to TAGs and CAGs and Meyers and conures and every other bird mentioned. I would, however, run screaming from a cockatoo. Just my own feeling. I agree with Linda. They should not be pets unless you have an amazing amount of time to devote and you can handle the noise and destruction. They are beautiful and loving, but oh so unbelievably needy. I did a lot of research before choosing my ekkie. I looked at conures (black caps), severe macaws and hahn's macaws, caiques and lorries and probably a few more. I chose an ekkie for my own reasons and have never looked back. Good luck.

In response to above which went in while I was still typing... never trust a bird store. You have all those animals in there competing for attention and for their feedings (if they are babies). They are going to be loud and curious and if they haven't been there long, frightened. I love the bird store by me... but the birds in there are uniformly loud and needy. I don't know how they would be at home, but I don't think that's a fair way to assess any bird. It's like puppies in a puppy store. My ekkie is quiet for a decent sized parrot. The few others I have been around are quiet. Do they scream? Yes. Is it loud? Yes. Is it often? Not in my case. But that's just my experience....

11-07-2005, 04:06 PM

I have been controlling myself for sometime now on getting a CAG or TAG. Some of the things I try to keep in mind are, bigger the bird, bigger the poop, lifespan at my age is a factor, but then again there are no guarantees on how long we will be around, so that is something else to consider. Is there someone who would take care of my fids if something were to happen to me, and if so, make sure those arrangements are made, and everyone knows the plan.

I also factor in care. Do I have the time and funds to care for a larger parrot. Larger parrots require more expensive toys ;)

Just a few more things to consider ;)

11-07-2005, 04:11 PM

With larger parrots, the first thing with adopting is you are adopting not only the bird, but also and behavioral issues. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of adopting birds, after all, I've adopted about a dozen myself, but be prepared to have to deal with their behaviors, good and bad. I've got two parrots with behavior issues at home and it can be trying at times.


Quite honestly, my lovies don't get along with the larger birds in the house because they are too aggressive toward them and too nosy for me to feel secure having them interact. As long as they are separate I'd imagine any other parrot would be fine.

11-07-2005, 04:35 PM
There are many..lol I just went to a bid show. One is a Sun COnure. They are so cute and funny.Another I saw and fell for was a Alexadria(i think that is name.lol).Such beautiful colors. I also saw a Lories and they are so bright. I will end up with alot of birds if I keep this up.

I will say this I meet a Too at the show and while she was beautiful. She was also very very loud and needy. her owner had to ring a sale up and the bird screamed like she was dying a horrible death. I could never handles a Too myself.


11-07-2005, 05:53 PM
Each Cockatoo is different and it is rare to find one up for sale or being re-homed that is in perfect feather and doesn't have many issues. On the rare occasion you can find one, they are extremely loving, smart and a delight.
No, I don't want to discuss the little Bare Eyed Cockatoo that might be coming to my house in the future. :roll:

Crystal Taylor
11-07-2005, 06:55 PM
I really didn't expect such a negative outpouring against owning Cockatoos! LOL, and my vet told me they can be quiet, wonderful pets, he especially reccommended the Goffins which I am really very much in love with.

I've heard Moluccans can be a nightmare and I have watched Umbrellas dance and scream for a long time. I was really thinking more in terms of the Goffin.


Buy A Paper Doll
11-07-2005, 07:25 PM
I played with 3 caiques at the bird store. They were like little monkeys and sooooooo full of personality. I went to pick up just one, and the other two jumped on me as well. They bit a hole in my shirt and bit my arms hard enough to leave bruises - and those were just playful "hey, what's this?" bites.

11-07-2005, 08:07 PM
I don't really know a lot about the larger birds as I've had very little experience. I currently have 2 Meyer's parrots that are great. One is a rescue Meyer's who likes to interact but is hands off and another we got second hand which is a total snuggler. I would recommend Meyer's for someone who wanted a laid back bird who doesn't romp a lot and is not very loud. Both my Meyer's are very sweet and sensative. I was finally able to see Caiques and they are crazy, and I'd even go as far as to say they are the opposite of Meyer's parrots.

I have an African Grey coming home tomorrow. He is 3 years old and I have no doubt that he has behavior issues. He's never been handled and doesn't like to be away from his cage. He does give good beaker kisses. I have high hopes for him. He is so intelligent and he has a great personality. I worry that I will have enough time for him and that he will outlive me. I've never wanted an African Grey before. My husband has tried to get one for awhile and I was against it. It's different with Mijo. I like him and him being part of our family was meant to be and I guess that's the lesson in everyone's comment. Birds are individuals and need to be judged as such. Of course, I still wouldn't want a Cockatoo so I know that will never meant to be :rolleyes: .

11-07-2005, 08:09 PM
For awhile now, I've really been wanting a couple of Sun Conures. It'd be different to have a bit bigger bird, and I think I'd really enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I love my little babies :D, but I guess I'm bird crazy. I'd also really love to have a Blue and Gold Macaw. So very majestic. I've always loved the macaws, but I was in a petstore awhile ago where they had a baby B&G and I fell in love with it. Maybe someday...

There are many other birds that I'd love to have, but those are my first two big bird choices.

11-07-2005, 08:22 PM

You were at an unfair advantage with three Caiques :eek: I could only handle one since they are very playful and nosy. Talk about agressive torward larger birds! I watched Leslie's breeder's Caique, Piper, go after Boscoe (B&G) for a little toy he wanted. I grabed Piper and she grabed Boscoe - whew! Fiesty little birdie :whistle:

Crystal Taylor
11-07-2005, 10:16 PM
Hey Amanda,

Don't worry. I have restraint and I know better than to buy anything while I am in my apartment. I'm graduating in May and the first home should come soon after that (boyfriend is looking to buy right now... he graduated 3 semesters ago) and if for some reason that doesn't work out I would go back to Connecticut where my parents have a very very large home and a larger bird (we've already had a Jardine) wouldn't be an issue. Unless this couple ends up giving away their birds I am not going to give larger parrots much thought until better situated. If the couple does give me a choice I would go with a B&G macaw or African grey that they have and only after spending some time with it to assess that it wouldn't get me evicted. If the adoption doesn't work out (assuming it ever happens) I know of a few people who would take it without any problems (Linda I know you want a screaming B&G!!!! just kidding). But right now this is all hearsay and I promise to be very careful in making that decision if it ever even comes into fruitation.

I do very much appreciate your warnings. It's always good to have point blank honest people when making a big (parrot) decision.


11-07-2005, 10:25 PM
My ex-husband got my B&G Macaw as part of the divorce settlement but she will come back to me if anything happens to him. H'e's not in wonderful health so I never know when that may happen. They can be noisy but so are my 2 Militairies. One more bird will not make that much difference in terms of decibels! :)