View Full Version : Three little birdies get on a plane.....

07-09-2016, 09:15 AM
Next stop, My house. Got 2 big cages ready and waiting! :happy::happy::happy:

07-09-2016, 09:32 AM
what kind of birdies are coming home with you? :)

07-09-2016, 09:45 AM
Lovies of course. a Pair of 6 year olds and a 7 or 8 month old. Can't remember the exact mutations.

07-09-2016, 10:27 AM
They've landed in Washington DC for a little visit!

07-09-2016, 12:37 PM
How exciting!! Can't wait to see pics!

07-09-2016, 12:48 PM
Their plane is about half an hour from taking off for the last stage of the trip.

07-09-2016, 02:15 PM
Dave is getting 2 Opaline OF Blues and a WF Cinnamon Blue, single dark factor. It's been quite a day but the shipment has gone well so far. Just waiting to hear that they have been picked up at the airport. They are somewhere between the plane and pick up point. :)

07-09-2016, 02:56 PM
3 little lovies reached their destination safely! I'm happy and relieved. Waiting for Dave to update. :)

07-09-2016, 03:00 PM
how exciting!!! can't wait to see pics :)

07-09-2016, 03:58 PM
The youngster hasn't stopped eating since we got home!


And after 15 minutes of exploring and chattering these 2 settled on this perch to preen and look cute!


Linda raises some mighty fine birdies!!!!!!! :happy::happy::happy:

07-09-2016, 04:42 PM
very pretty! love those colors :)

07-09-2016, 05:13 PM
I'll get better pics once they settle in and the little one gets his face out of a food dish. :happy:

07-09-2016, 10:36 PM
Beautiful. Enjoy your new babies.

07-10-2016, 06:32 AM
So far all they've eaten is millet and nibbled on other stuff. They couldn't figure out where they wanted to sleep last night.

The young one finally settled on the perch on the food dish and the other two, after climbing around the cage for half an hour, settled on the perch in the corner where they had been hanging out.

07-10-2016, 04:09 PM
Well they're doing much better today. They devoured their birdy bread for breakfast. The pair of 6 year olds have nibbled at nutriberries and avicakes and ate their seed mix. They've been chatty and did some beak grinding during their afternoon naps.

The youngster has a name DJ (for Ditto Junior but DJ is his name). He's named that because like Ditto, he eats, eats and eats some more. And he loves nutriberries and avicakes. Another reason for the name.

07-10-2016, 04:37 PM
Got my camera out to take a few better quality pics. They wouldn't stay still for pics though so they aren't the best.


07-10-2016, 06:06 PM
I had the same problem when I tried to photograph them. The pair are shy and it's a quick shot or they go into hiding! DJ was easier but photos just don't do him justice. He's so pretty and he still has some baby feathering! Thanks for sharing, Dave!

07-10-2016, 06:10 PM
I had the same problem when I tried to photograph them. The pair are shy and it's a quick shot or they go into hiding! DJ was easier but photos just don't do him justice. He's so pretty and he still has some baby feathering! Thanks for sharing, Dave!

Yeah as soon as I put the camera away they started posing!

07-11-2016, 07:04 AM
DJ is turning out to be quite the character and more like Ditto every day. This morning he almost got to come out of the cage whether I wanted it or not.

He was on his food dish when I went to remove it to refill it. I figured he'd climb off like he has since he got here, so I removed it from the side of the cage. Well not today, he refused to move and even as I started to take it through the cage door he wouldn't budge. I had to put him near his ladder so he would leave. Like ditto where the food goes, he has to go with him.

He's also become quite fond of avi-cakes. He's never seen them until he got to my house Saturday evening but it was the first thing he ate when he got in the cage. I gave him 2 of them at 5pm last night and this morning they were gone. I don't think I'll have any trouble with this one eating new stuff! :happy:

07-11-2016, 09:12 AM
Food driven seems to be an understatement! Sounds like he will eat anything, as long as it doesn't try to eat him first!! Seriously, my flock will eat anything because I offer different things so they don't get bored eating the same things over and over again.

Sounds like if you take DJ's food dish, you will take him, too! Youngsters are generally pretty quick so having him out of his cage, even with clipped flights, might be a challenge to get him back where you want him. At the rate things are progressing, I'm betting that if you hold an Avicake or a Nutriberry in your hand, he will hop on and chow down!

07-11-2016, 09:15 AM
Food driven seems to be an understatement! Sounds like he will eat anything, as long as it doesn't try to eat him first!! Seriously, my flock will eat anything because I offer different things so they don't get bored eating the same things over and over again.

Sounds like if you take DJ's food dish, you will take him, too! Youngsters are generally pretty quick so having him out of his cage, even with clipped flights, might be a challenge to get him back where you want him. At the rate things are progressing, I'm betting that if you hold an Avicake or a Nutriberry in your hand, he will hop on and chow down!

I tried that yesterday and he looked at it but the hopped away but I'm definately going to try that again soon. We're getting there. I think he's doing great for only being here for a day and a half.

I'm hoping that while I'm not home today he'll explore his cage more and get comfortable. he needs to find a better place to sleep then the food dish.

07-11-2016, 09:29 AM
That's phenomenal for just a day and a half! Sounds like all 3 are taking things well in stride. :)

07-11-2016, 09:31 AM
That's phenomenal for just a day and a half! Sounds like all 3 are taking things well in stride. :)

The other two, were ok this morning when I reached in to remove the food and water dishes. they just stayed on their perch and watched to make sure I didn't reach for them.

07-11-2016, 10:04 AM
That's a step in the right direction, too. Parrots learn by experience so this is positive. Their empty cage is still where it was before they took that plane ride. I'm very happy that they are enjoying their new one.

07-11-2016, 10:19 AM
That's a step in the right direction, too. Parrots learn by experience so this is positive. Their empty cage is still where it was before they took that plane ride. I'm very happy that they are enjoying their new one.

Well they won't be coming back. :rotfl

07-11-2016, 10:33 AM
Didn't expect to have them fly back!! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl I'm happy to share grinding beaks with a wonderful home!

07-11-2016, 10:38 AM
I just need DJ to find someplace better to sleep than in the food dish. :rotfl I moved the boing further back in the cage so hopefully he'll check it out. None of them so far have been interested in going to the front of the cages. But I'm not there walking past them today so maybe they will.

07-11-2016, 11:17 AM

Callie, my Dilute Blue Parrotlet, either likes to sleep in her food dish or under it! No changing her mind on that one! There have been mornings when Callie and her food dish come out of the cage at feeding time because she absolutely not give up her sleeping spot! Usually picking her up and giving her a few head scritches will help but she can be stubborn!

If that's DJ's chosen place, that's where he's comfortable....... Good luck changing the mind of a determined parrot, especially a lovebird!

07-11-2016, 11:23 AM
the food dish is his chosen place to be period. He spends most of his time there. Unless he climbs over to the side so he can chirp at the other two to get them wound up. Although last evening he started exploring a bit more and even went up to the bowl that I have full of avicakes and nutriberries.

07-11-2016, 03:03 PM
It might be interesting to set up a cam so you can see what they do when you aren't there! :lol

07-11-2016, 05:08 PM
It might be interesting to set up a cam so you can see what they do when you aren't there! :lol

I would love to do that. I can tell they've been around more today. Bits of food were all over the bottom of the cage and DJ is moving around his cage more. He's still hanging out on the food dish in the back but he's climbing around more.

I had a bit of a headscratcher when I got home today. I pulled the trays under the cages to check for poops and dump out the scraps and found chewed up raisins (in both cages). It took me a bit to figure out where they could have got raisins. Then it hit me. I gave them sunny orchard nutriberries and they've got raisins in them. So both cages ate them. DJ's bowl had no nutriberries or avicakes in it and he had gone up to the other bowl and had ate from there too. He is going crazy for those and eating less of the seeds and birdie bread. ANd since he started on the nutriberries he's hardly touched millet.

He has picked up on Dittos habit of dropping avicakes all over the cage bottom. :evil:

He's definitely the ringleader. They other two will be nice and quiet and he'll sneak around the corner where they can see him, he'll look right at them and start chattering and get all of them going! :happy:

By the way, DJ is not ready to take an avicake from my hand yet. At least not right now. He took off

07-11-2016, 06:15 PM
They're beauties!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Very happy about the new additions to your home ❤️❤️❤️

07-11-2016, 06:17 PM
They're getting used to their big cages and seem to be having fun.

07-12-2016, 06:56 AM
They had a great time last night. And it seems that they've learned some non lovebird sounds at Linda's house. In the middle of a chattering session last night somebody made the whistling sound that I've heard african greys do. Then to prove that I did in fact hear it he did it again. It was the opaline from the pair that I've named Opie. Now I just need to find a name for the cinnamon.

DJ definately loves the Sunny Orchard nutriberries. When I gave them their food this morning he ignored his cornbread and grabbed one of the nutriberries and ate some of that before the cornbread.

07-12-2016, 09:28 AM
DJ must really love Nutriberries if he eats them before cornbread!!! I've never seen that happen!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

07-12-2016, 09:31 AM
DJ must really love Nutriberries if he eats them before cornbread!!! I've never seen that happen!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Yep. I put a couple in the other compartment in the bowl. he picked one out, put it on the other side with the cornbread and took a few bites of it, then a bite of cornbread and another bite of nutriberry. He was alternating like that when I left.

They did get rather unhappy last night. I fell asleep on the couch around midnight and at 12:30 I was awoken by some angry lovies. It seems the timer decided to turn on their lights. They were not pleased. Ok new timer on the way.

07-12-2016, 10:33 AM
They did get rather unhappy last night. I fell asleep on the couch around midnight and at 12:30 I was awoken by some angry lovies. It seems the timer decided to turn on their lights. They were not pleased. Ok new timer on the way.
The light interrupted their beauty sleep! I would not be pleased, either!!!!! Must keep the lovies happy! :whistle:

07-12-2016, 10:38 AM
If they can't sleep. No one sleeps! :evil:

07-12-2016, 10:59 AM
I do believe they have that down pat!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

07-12-2016, 11:04 AM
It's been awhile since i had a lovie wake me up. Ditto would do it if I fell asleep and his light shut off. He'd give me 2 minutes or so to cover his cage before he shouted.:rotfl

After having Ditto the velcro birdy, it's torture having these three adorable little ones and not being able to give one a scritch or snuggle.

I know give them time, but it's torture!!!!

07-12-2016, 11:31 AM
Patience! How well I know that feeling! I went through it when I got Skye (Turquoise GCC) and he's still not tame to this day! Zoey, however, makes up for it by loving scritches and even rubs under his wings!

07-12-2016, 12:10 PM
Ditto loved scritches under his "chin".

It wouldn't be so hard if you hadn't raised them to be so adorable!:rofl:

07-12-2016, 12:50 PM
It wouldn't be so hard if you hadn't raised them to be so adorable!:rofl:
That's exactly why I'm a retired breeder who has not rehomed my breeders. There are way too many homeless animals now without me adding more and finding someone who will take care of them the way I do is not easy! I have a lot of fun with my birds, every single one of them!

07-12-2016, 01:34 PM
Well these three are certainly fun even if I can't touch them. They do chirp back at me when I chirp at them so I guess I'm working my way into the flock.

07-12-2016, 01:49 PM
Yup. You become a flock member and then the official lovie slave!

07-12-2016, 02:11 PM
Yup. You become a flock member and then the official lovie slave!

I think the slave part started two weeks before they got here. :rofl:

07-12-2016, 05:38 PM
DJ has discovered the joy of making soup along with tossing nutriberries all over the place.

Linda, do you not have flies in Florida? One of got in the house and the way these tree are carrying on you'd think it's trying to eat them! :omg:

Other than making enough noise to raise the dead everything is going well. Everyone ate all their birdy bread and seem just fine.

07-12-2016, 07:27 PM
Sounds like they're settling in. They have the best birdie dad.

07-12-2016, 07:32 PM
They're doing well. I put an avicake in my hand and held it in the cage to see what DJ would do. He climbed around to the front of the cage where I was standing right in front of my face and looked me in the eye. Then he looked at the avicake and put one foot on my wrist. He looked at the avicake for about 20 seconds but then backed off. So we've made a tiny bit of progress. I'll take it. He's only been here 3 days. :happy:

07-13-2016, 08:53 AM
I think that's great progress! Parent raised babies are not as hard to tame as many would have us believe. The key is letting them come to us as they feel comfortable. Some take longer than others but they will respond to love, kindness and patience!

07-13-2016, 08:57 AM
We've been having conversations too. I chirp at him and he chirps back.

Of course then the other two get involved and chaos ensues! :rofl:

07-13-2016, 09:53 AM
Chaos in any of my aviaries is anything out of place or not the way it's suppose to be. Sometimes I have lovebirds that manage to move a water dish and there's just enough space for a feathered body to squeeze out of the cage. Well, the entire aviary chimes in unison to let me know that there's something I need to check on!

07-13-2016, 09:57 AM
Chaos in any of my aviaries is anything out of place or not the way it's suppose to be. Sometimes I have lovebirds that manage to move a water dish and there's just enough space for a feathered body to squeeze out of the cage. Well, the entire aviary chimes in unison to let me know that there's something I need to check on!

Well there was a fly yesterday that caused true chaos. they did not like it at all and I swear I heard more parrots than just lovies in that racket. You'd think they never saw a fly before. But the scared it off because after an hour of coming in and out of the room I didn't see him again.

07-13-2016, 04:47 PM
I came home today and as I walked in the door I said Hello birdies and DJ chirped back!

However he's picked up another of Ditto's habits (the one I didn't want). He chewed all of his avicakes to crumbs. But for the 3rrd day in a row he ate all the sunny orchard nutriberries.

He wouldn't come near one in my hand today but he was all wound up before I tried.

They were all more active today, or at least expanding their activity to different parts of their cages. I can tell by where the poops are. They're quite wound up tonight too.